NTU Confidential Indoor MIMO WLAN Channel Models Speaker: Chi-Yeh Yu Advisor: Tzi-Dar Chiueh Nov 17, 2003.


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Presentation transcript:

NTU Confidential Indoor MIMO WLAN Channel Models Speaker: Chi-Yeh Yu Advisor: Tzi-Dar Chiueh Nov 17, 2003

NTU Confidential 2 Outline Motivation and GoalMotivation and Goal Existing SISO ModelExisting SISO Model Cluster Modeling ApproachCluster Modeling Approach –Saleh- Valenzuela’s statistical model Proposed MIMO ModelProposed MIMO Model –IEEE indoor MIMO WLAN channel model (draft document in progress) ConclusionConclusion

NTU Confidential Motivation and Goal

NTU Confidential 4 Motivation Why Need Channel Model? –Channel models can be used to evaluate new WLAN proposals before built. Why MIMO? –IEEE a and HiperLAN/2 require rate up to 54 Mbps, and the key enabling technology of high data rate is to adopt “antenna array.”

NTU Confidential 5 MIMO system capacity MIMO theoretic capacity [REF2]

NTU Confidential 6 Goal To develop a set of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channel models backwards compatible with existing channel models (Developed by Medbo and Schramm [1]).

NTU Confidential Existing SISO Model

NTU Confidential 8 Existing SISO Models (1/3) Five delay profile models for single-input single-output (SISO) systems were proposed in [1] for different environments (A-E): 1.Model A for a typical office environment, non-line-of-sight (NLOS) conditions, and 50 ns rms delay spread. 2.Model B for a typical large open space and office environments, NLOS conditions, and 100 ns rms delay spread. 3.Model C for a large open space (indoor and outdoor), NLOS conditions, and 150 ns rms delay spread. 4.Model D, same as model C, line-of-sight (LOS) conditions, and 140 ns rms delay spread (10 dB Ricean K-factor at the first delay). 5.Model E for a typical large open space (indoor and outdoor), NLOS conditions, and 250 ns rms delay spread.

NTU Confidential 9 Existing SISO Models (2/3) The resulting models are revised and proposed as follows: 1.Model A, flat fading model with 0 ns rms delay spread (one tap at 0 ns delay model). 2.Model B for a typical residential environment, line-of-sight (LOS) conditions, 15 ns rms delay spread, and 10 dB Ricean K -factor at the first delay. 3.Model C for a typical residential or small office environment, LOS/NLOS conditions, 30 ns rms delay spread, and 3 dB Ricean K -factor at the first delay. 4.Model D for a typical office environment, NLOS conditions, and 50 ns rms delay spread. 5.Model E for a typical large open space and office environments, NLOS conditions, and 100 ns rms delay spread. 6.Model F for a large open space (indoor and outdoor), NLOS conditions, and 150 ns rms delay spread.

NTU Confidential 10 Summary (3/3)

NTU Confidential Cluster Modeling Approach

NTU Confidential 12 Saleh- Valenzuela’s statistical model Pioneer work done by Saleh and Valenzuela [2] and further elaborated and extended upon by many researchers [3-8]. Channel impulse response Independent inter-arrival exponential probability density functions Average power gains

NTU Confidential 13 Channel Model-D Example Three clusters can be clearly identified. Cluster 1 Cluster 2 Cluster 3 dB

NTU Confidential 14 Spatial Representation of 3 Clusters LOS Cluster 2 Tx Antennas Rx Antennas R2 Cluster 3 R3 Cluster 1 R1

NTU Confidential 15 Modeling Approach Only time domain information from A-E SISO models can be determined (delay of each delay within each cluster and corresponding power using extrapolation methods). In addition, for the MIMO clustering approach the following parameters have to be determined: –Power azimuth spectrum (PAS) shape of each cluster and tap –Cluster angle-of-arrival (AoA), mean –Cluster angular spread (AS) at the receiver –Cluster Angle-of-departure (AoD), mean –Cluster AS at the transmitter –Tap AS (we assume 5 o for all) –Tap AoA –Tap AoD

NTU Confidential 16 Cluster and Tap PAS Shape Cluster and tap PAS follow Laplacian distribution. Example of Laplacian AoA (AoD) distribution, cluster, AS = 30 o

NTU Confidential 17 Cluster AoA and AoD It was found in [3,4] that the relative cluster mean AoAs have a random uniform distribution over all angles.

NTU Confidential 18 Cluster AS (1/3) We use the following findings to determine cluster AS: –In [3] the mean cluster AS values were found to be 21 o and 25 o for two buildings measured. In [4] the mean AS value was found to be 37 o. To be consistent with these findings, we select the mean cluster AS values for models A-E in the 20 o to 40 o range. –For outdoor environments, it was found that the cluster rms delay spread (DS) is highly correlated (0.7 correlation coefficient) with the AS [9]. It was also found that the cluster rms delay spread and AS can be modeled as correlated log-normal random variables. We apply this finding to our modeling approach.

NTU Confidential 19 Cluster AS (2/3) The mean AS per model was determined using the formula (per model mean AS values in the 20 o – 40 o range) where DS is cluster delay spread. Cluster AS variation within each model was determined using 0.7 correlation with cluster DS and assuming log-normal distributions.

NTU Confidential 20 Cluster AS (3/3) Resulting cluster AS (at the receiver) and DS for all five models (A-E) is shown in the figure below

NTU Confidential 21 Tap AS, AoA, and AoD (1/2) We assume that each tap PAS shape is Laplacian with AS = 5 o. Following constraints that satisfy cluster AS and AoA (AoD), tap AoA and AoD can be determined using numerical methods. where l i is a zero-mean, unit-variance Laplacian random variable, b i is a scaling parameter related to the power roll-off coefficient of the cluster, D is a parameter that is determined using numerical global search method to satisfy the required AS and mean AoA of each cluster; a o is the mean cluster AoA; s 2 tot is cluster AS, and s 2 a,i is tap AS.

NTU Confidential 22 Tap AS, AoA, and AoD (1/2) Example: Distribution of taps within a cluste.

NTU Confidential 23 MIMO Channel Model A: Table of Parameters

NTU Confidential 24 Next Steps So far we have completely defined PAS of each tap (AS and Laplacian AoA distribution) and AoA of each tap. These parameters were determined so that the cluster AS and mean cluster AoA requirements are met (experimentally determined published results). Next, we show how we use tap AoA and AS information to calculate per tap transmit and receive antenna correlation matrices and from that finally the MIMO channel matrices H.

NTU Confidential Proposed MIMO Model

NTU Confidential 26 MIMO Channel Matrix Formulation (1/3) Example 4 x 4 MIMO matrix H for each tap is as follows where X ij (i-th receiving and j-th transmitting antenna) are correlated zero-mean, unit variance, complex Gaussian random variables as coefficients of the Rayleigh matrix H V, exp(jf ij ) are the elements of the fixed matrix H F, K is the Ricean K-factor, and P is the power of each tap.

NTU Confidential 27 MIMO Channel Matrix Formulation (2/3) To correlate the X ij elements of the matrix X, the following method can be used 4x4 MIMO channel transmit and receive correlation matrices are

NTU Confidential 28 MIMO Channel Matrix Formulation (3/3) Correlation coefficients for each tap can be determined using tap PAS (represented by Laplacian distribution and corresponding AS) and tap AoA (AoD) where D = 2pd/l (for linear antenna array) and R XX and R XY are the cross-correlation functions between the real parts (equal to the cross-correlation function between the imaginary parts) and between the real part and imaginary part, respectively.

NTU Confidential 29 MIMO Channel Matrix H Generation Use power, AS, AoA and AoD tap parameters from tables A-D. Per tap, calculate transmit and receive correlation matrices. Using correlation matrices and H iid generate instantiations of channel matrices H, as many as required by simulation.

NTU Confidential 30 Conclusion WLAN MIMO channel models were developed based on extensive published experimental data and models. The models are based on per tap correlation matrices determined from tap AS and AoA.

NTU Confidential 31 References [1] J. Medbo and P. Schramm, “Channel models for HIPERLAN/2,” ETSI/BRAN document no. 3ERI085B. [2] A.A.M. Saleh and R.A. Valenzuela, “A statistical model for indoor multipath propagation,” IEEE J. Select. Areas Commun., vol. 5, 1987, pp [3] Q.H. Spencer, et. al., “Modeling the statistical time and angle of arrival characteristics of an indoor environment,” IEEE J. Select. Areas Commun., vol. 18, no. 3, March 2000, pp [4] R.J-M. Cramer, R.A. Scholtz, and M.Z. Win, “Evaluation of an ultra-wide-band propagation channel,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., vol. 50, no.5, May 2002, pp [5] A.S.Y. Poon and M. Ho, “Indoor multiple-antenna channel characterization from 2 to 8 GHz,” submitted to ICC 2003 Conference. [6] G. German, Q. Spencer, L. Swindlehurst, and R. Valenzuela, “Wireless indoor channel modeling: Statistical agreement of ray tracing simulations and channel sounding measurements,” in proc. IEEE Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Proc. Conf., vol. 4, 2001, pp [7] J-G. Wang, A.S. Mohan, and T.A. Aubrey,” Angles-of-arrival of multipath signals in indoor environments,” in proc. IEEE Veh. Technol. Conf., 1996, pp [8] Chia-Chin Chong, David I. Laurenson and Stephen McLaughlin, “Statistical Characterization of the 5.2 GHz Wideband Directional Indoor Propagation Channels with Clustering and Correlation Properties,” in proc. IEEE Veh. Technol. Conf., vol. 1, Sept. 2002, pp [9] K.I. Pedersen, P.E. Mogensen, and B.H. Fleury, “A stochastic model of the temporal and azimuthal dispersion seen at the base station in outdoor propagation environments,” IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 49, no. 2, March 2000, pp [10] L. Schumacher, Namur University, Belgium, [11] IEEE /161r1 Document