By: Brad Herrmann
There are no other names because Dr. Harry Klinefelter found the problem in 1942 and is named named after him for his find
Only in males Extra “X” chromosome
Taller Less Muscular Body Less Facial and Body Hair Broader Hips Weaker Boned Lower Energy
Look similar to other males without the syndrome Taller More likely to have certain health problems ◦ Autoimmune dissorders ◦ Breast cancer ◦ Vein diseases ◦ Osteoporosis ◦ Tooth decay
Normal Makes little to no sperm Between 95% and 99%of XXY males are not fertile
Boys ◦ 25% to 85% of XXY males have some language problem ◦ Learning to talk late ◦ Trouble using language to express what he wants ◦ Problem reading ◦ Trouble processing what they hear Adults ◦ Harder doing work that involves reading and wrighting ◦ Most hold jobs and have a successful careers
Boys ◦ Quiet and undemanding ◦ Less self –confident ◦ Less active helpful Teens ◦ Shy ◦ Struggle in school and sports Adults ◦ Lives similar to other men
Special services to help at school Different methods to teach Therapies ◦ Physics ◦ Speech ◦ Occupational ◦ Behavior ◦ Mental health ◦ Family TRT ◦ Testosterone Replacement Therapy
"Klinefelter Syndrome." Genetics Home Page. Web. 27 Jan