Welcome and News from EN and RSO Committee Ans Pardons 3 rd EN-RSSO Networking meeting, 22/6/2015
Today’s presentations 22/6/2015RSSO networking meeting – Introduction and news from RSOC2 News Radioactive waste study (and comparison with 2012) Working group on radioactive components Various Upcoming discussion groups ALARA intervention documentation (aimed at level 2) Various Short recap of presentation on “Internal waste acceptance criteria” (from Luisa Ulrici, presented in RSOC 6/3/2015) Activation of equipment & waste (presented by Chris Theis)
Radioactive waste study /6/2015RSSO networking meeting – Introduction and news from RSOC3 To all group link persons: thanks for all the work! (still waiting for part of EN/CV) Estimated volume (m 3, 2012 study) Real volume (m 3 ) Needed every 3 year – the waste estimates from 3 years ago for were very much underestimated. A new study took place early 2015.
22/6/2015RSSO networking meeting – Introduction and news from RSOC4
Radioactive components working group 22/6/2015RSSO networking meeting – Introduction and news from RSOC5 The RC WG originated from the following facts: Learn from LS1 to prepare LS2 Stricter release rules in Switzerland from 2017 on Radioactive storage space (as good as) full Radioactive waste section must prepare early-on for LS2 volumes To prepare LS2 in this context, we must know: Future storage and waste estimates (waste study = 80% done) What can become waste from currently stored objects Define sector-wide operational criteria What is needed to dispose of waste in the most effective way. See more later today: - Recap of Luisa’s presentation on “Internal waste acceptance Criteria” - Chris’ presentation on “Activation of equipment & waste”.
Tripartite meeting 17/3 22/6/2015RSSO networking meeting – Introduction and news from RSOC6 Renovated website dosimetry
H2 – misunderstood DIS value in off-line reader 22/6/2015RSSO networking meeting – Introduction and news from RSOC7 9h15 11h05 17h26 11h36 13h56 15h04
Next: RSSO-Discussions for 2015 Q3-Q4 24/6/2014RSSO networking meeting - Introduction8 EN-ALARA procedure: feedback and documentation (see next slides) Database for personnel shielding (from RSSO’s LS1 feedback) First testing and feedback for new IMPACT DIMR work flow (hopefully still this year, otherwise in 2016)
EN-ALARA Procedure - Remember? 22/6/2015RSSO networking meeting – Introduction and News from RSOC9
Level 2: document, document, document 22/6/2015RSSO networking meeting – Introduction and news from RSOC10 Template based on experience? Input & suggestions welcome. Discussions will start in autumn 2015, aim to have template end of 2015 Documenting is of uttermost importance
Level 2: Minimum to be documented per phase 22/6/2015RSSO networking meeting – Introduction and news from RSOC11 Analyse, optimise, write step-by-step procedures, practise on spare or on mock-up, iterate, modify, … Final procedures and final WDP (estimate) What and why How optimisation led to WDP and how dose will be kept low Estimate Reality
Next RSSO meetings: Q /6/2014RSSO networking meeting - Introduction12 Proposal for agenda: Presentation new RSSOs RSSO activity feedback per group (5-10 minutes each) Visit to ISR: waste storage and waste treatment … Please send me suggestions You will receive a doodle invitation