Science Coordinators Networking Meeting February 4, 2015 Joyce Barry – Plainview-Old Bethpage Mary Loesing – Connetquot
Jennifer Glennon and Heather Herrero – Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Cheryl Davidson – Long Island STEM Hub, Healthcare RIC Break Update from the Science Consortium Meetings Update on the Strategic Plan for Science Education Lab Safety STEM/STEAM Resources Activity – Examining Other States Science Standards Meeting Agenda
Thanks to our sponsors Jennifer Glennon and Heather Herrero for providing the breakfast for this meeting. HMH
Cheryl Davidson – Long Island STEM Hub, Workforce Readiness North Shore LIJ Healthcare RIC STEM Hub
Regents item on the Strategic Plan for Science Education gs/January/115p12a1.pdf gs/January/115p12a1.pdf News on Science Strategic Plan – courtesy of ESP – Monroe 2 Orleans BOCES News on Science Strategic Plan Update from the Science Consortium
All next steps must involve the field. Groups providing input to SED include the NYS Science Consortium, the Science Content Advisory Panel and the Statewide Leadership Team NYS has set a timeline of one year to develop new standards Other states have updated their standards, in some cases modifying the NGSS. We have the opportunity to influence what these new standards will look like, the content and practices and the degree of specificity contained in the standards. Update on the Strategic Plan
MSDS have changed to SDS 193&UnitId= &UnitId=38 NSTA Safety Portal Safety Contracts Safe Use of Alcohol in the Laboratory Lab Safety
m-education-over-25-steam-links-filled-with-resources- and-information/ m-education-over-25-steam-links-filled-with-resources- and-information/ A Future Segregated by Science A Future Segregated by Science STEM/STEAM Resources
Culture of Schooling vs Culture of Innovation
Solving a problem using the tools (technology) and resources (science and math)
Kids Using Tech Kids Using Tech STEM Movement Video STEM Movement Video Z-Space at POB Z-Space at POB 3-D Printing 3-D Printing Thingiverse Thingiverse Funding Funding Media Links
adoption-map/ NGSS Adoption map – state by state
Charge from NYSED: Determine the architecture for new NYS Science Standards Divide into six groups With your group, visit the website of the state you have been assigned Develop a list of pros and cons, with supporting evidence, based on your review Choose 3 must have’s for new NYS science standards? Share with the group Activity
Massachusetts Science and Technology/Engineering Standards Massachusetts Science and Technology/Engineering Standards Oklahoma Oklahoma South Dakota South Dakota South Carolina South Carolina Washington Washington California California Activity – Examining State Science Standards
ACS-HACH Chemistry Grant This is a very small grant--up to $1500 but the application is pretty simple, too. The deadline is April 1. awards/grants/hachhighschool.html Rusti Berent, Ph.D. Funding and Grants Consultant awards/grants/hachhighschool.html Chemistry Grant