Horn of Africa Joint Planning Cell Annual Meeting 2016 Addis Ababa, June 14-16, 2016
0 Horn of Africa JPC Coordinator Regional Programs Resilience Coordinator Kenya Resilience Coordinator Ethiopia Resilience Coordinator Somalia Resilience Coordinator Uganda Resilience Coordinator Asia Nepal RDMA Resilience Leadership Council BFS Assistant to the Administrator Resilience Coordinator M&E Specialist Knowledge Management Specialist Program Analyst Sahel Burkina Faso Niger Mali DCHA Assistant Administrator Center for Resilience Resilience Deputy Coordinator Mission Focal Points
Zones of Influence USAID Horn of Africa Kenya
Goal: Social Stability and Economic Growth in Dryland Areas Objective 1: Increased Economic Opportunities (income, food access, assets, adaptive capacity) Objective 3: Improved Health & Nutrition Status (Human Capital) IR.3: Improved Access to Financial Services IR.2: Strengthened Disaster Risk Reduction IR.2. Improved health and nutrition practices Innovation and Knowledge Management Objective 2: Strengthened Institutions and Governance & Social Accountability IR 4: Enhanced Capacity/Effici ency of Public & Private Institutions IR.1. Increased use of health and nutrition services IR. 2: Improve Livestock Value Chains IR. 4: Improved Physical Infrastructure (productive & market) IR. 3: Improved Security & Conflict Management Capacity IR. 1: Diversified Livelihood Opportunities IR. 1: Sustainable Natural Resource Management Framework of Change: Horn of Africa
The Regional Resilience Unit Promotes a common agenda around resilience in the drylands of the Horn of Africa Tracks progress through the Regional Resilience Framework Monitoring Protocol Supports the use of mutually enforcing activities to build capacities and address shocks Supports learning and collaboration across the USAID Missions Strengthens learning of Intergovernmental Authority on Development’s (IGAD) Drought Disaster Resilience and Sustainability Initiative (IDDRSI)
RRU Key Partnerships National Partners USAID JPCs (USAID Ethiopia, Uganda, Kenya and East Africa and the Somali Office) Implementing Partners (40+) Development Partners Governments (Kenya, Ethiopia, Uganda, Somalia) Regional Partners USAID Regional Resilience Team Development Partners IGAD Global Partners Center for Resilience (USAID) Global Alliance Global Resilience Partnership Regional Resilience Unit Identify key partners Identify needs of key partners Develop activities to address possible needs Communication Coaching Networking M&E