The 17 th Annual Meeting of the Rhode Island Public Health Association Wednesday October 15, 2014 Airport Radisson Hotel 2081 Post Road, Warwick, RI
Tonight’s Agenda 5:30 PMSocial Time and Networking 6:30 PMWelcome 6:40 PMDinner is served Business Meeting 7:00 PMAwards 7:20 PM Keynote Speaker 8:20 PMClosing Comments 8:30 PM Adjourn
Thank you to our Sponsors!
Year in Review Began work on a Capacity Building Grant from the RI Foundation. Conducted >20 stakeholder interviews Created a “document library” Upgraded our website to newer software version Began creation of board and committee “job manuals” as well as various organizational policies and procedures Working with RI Foundation to complete the remaining grant objectives
Year in Review, cont’d Received a grant from RWJF under their program “County Health Rankings” Annually since 2010, the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute (UWPHI) and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) have produced and released the County Health Rankings in all 50 states. RIPHA and the RI Public Health Institute partnered to use the funds to support activities that use the 2014 County Health Rankings to generate action Six Issue briefs published and event held to release the briefs
Year in Review, cont’d 2 additional Data/Issue briefs published in 2014 Drug overdose deaths Oral health In June, held a reception and networking event with Dr. Kathleen Hittner, Director, Office of the Health Insurance Commissioner
Treasurer’s Report RI Foundation Grant$9,200 Expenses to Date-$4,530 $4,670 County Health Grant$4,900 Expenses to Date-$2,363 $2,537 Encumbered Funds$7,207 Current Balance$8,291 Surplus$1,084 Reporting is on a cash basis, and is activity reported as of October 7, 2014
Election of New Officers Alison Croke President (2 nd year of 2 year term) Kara Butler, President-Elect (1 year term) Ted Hague, Treasurer Robert Marshall, Secretary
Outgoing Board Members James Celenza Tracy Cohen, MD Stacey Paterno Nick Zaller Thank you for your service!
Incoming New Board Members Christine Gadbois Yvonne Heredia Krystal Sarcone Melvin Smith
Bertram Yaffe Award Presented to an individual with long standing service to the advancement of public health in Rhode Island. Individuals have distinguished themselves in the areas of advocacy, academia, volunteerism, public service organizations, philanthropy, foundations, or as a consumer. Kristine Campagna Chief, Program Development RI Department of Health
John E. Fogarty Award Presented to a public health professionals who has made a significant contribution to the advancement of public health in Rhode Island at the federal, state or local level of government service. Jonathan Reiner Director of Planning and Development Town of Groton, CT
Meritorious Program Award Presented to a group that has made significant contributions to the advancement of public health in Rhode Island at the federal, state, or local level. Farm Fresh RI Healthy Foods, Healthy Families Program Accepting on behalf of the organization: Mikayla Moretti, Food & Nutrition Education Manager
Keynote Speaker William W. Pendlebury, M.D. Emeritus Professor and Director, The Center on Aging, The University of Vermont “The Public Health Impact of Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease: Challenges and Opportunities”