GOALS GREAT EXPECTATIONS “My grandparents taught me: the greater my expectations, the greater my success.” -Sanyelle Polk’s Grandmother October 1/Thursday
RESPECT Elders “Set a goal for yourself and decide to reach it even though it may be hard. Be honest with yourself and the world at all times. Always do what you know to be right. And never be happy with what you’ve done until you are sure you have done your best.” -Ralph Bunche’s grandmother October 2/Friday
GOALS “Living without goals is like going on a trip without a destination. If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll probably end up nowhere, and any road will get you there.” -Hal Urban(a teacher) October 6/Tuesday
DREAMS “A wish is far more likely to come true when we care so much about it that we will do all we can to make it happen.” -Mister Rogers October 7/Wednesday
GOALS Choices “Every time we make a choice—Every time we swing into action—we need to think about where we want our lives to go.” -Tiger Woods October 8/Thursday
IMAGINATION Goals “A man who has no imagination has no wings.” -Mohammed Ali October 9/Friday
RESPONSIBILITY Success “Little success pave the way to bigger successes.” Mary Kay Ash October 12/Monday
GOALS Having Great Expectations “Mama urged her children at every chance to…’Jump the sun’…We might not land on the sun, but at least we would get off the ground.” -Zora Neale Hurston October 13/Tuesday
EDUCATION Perseverance “Start by doing what you have to do, then what you know you can do, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” Saint Francis of Assisi October 14/Wednesday
SUCCESS Excellence “The secret of finding joy in work is doing what you are excellent at doing. We enjoy doing the things we do well.” -Pearl S. Buck(American author) October 15/Thursday
ENCOURAGING OTHERS “Keep away from people who try to tell you that your dreams or goals are not important. Small people always do that, but really great people make you feel that you, too, can be great.” Mark Twain(Am. Author) October 16/Friday
PERSEVERANCE Belief In Oneself “When you begin a great work, you can not expect to finish all at once; so…press on, and let nothing discourage you til you have entirely finished what you have begun.” -a Native American Leader October 20/Tuesday
DETERMINATION “The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a person’s determination.” -Tommy Lasorda(Am. Baseball manager) October 21/Wednesday
BEING OVERWHELMED Getting Started “Little by little, one goes far.” (Poco a poco, se va lejos.) -a Mexican proverb October 22/Thursday
GREATNESS “There are no great people in this world; there are only normal people. The only difference is that some people set higher goals, dream bigger dreams, and settle for nothing less than the best.” Robert Schuller(Am. Minister) October 23/Friday
TENACITY means …to keep trying “Let me tell you the secret that helped me reach my goals. My strength was in my TENACITY.” -Louis Pasteur(French scientist) October 26/Monday
GOALS “Becoming a star may not be your future, but being the best you can be is a goal that you can set for yourselves.” -Bryan Lindsay October 27/Tuesday
POSITIVE ATTITUDE “Your morning thoughts may decide your conduct for the day. Positive thoughts will make your day bright with good results, while negative thinking will make it dull and wasteful.” -William M. Peck October 28/Wednesday
GOALS “Winners in the game of life are not always the fastest or cutest or the smartest. Sometimes the one who wins is the one who works the hardest and just keeps trying.” -moral of story of …The rabbit and the turtle October 29/Thursday
KINDNESS Helping Others “If there is any kindness I can show, or any good I can do, let me do it now, for I shall not pass this way again.” -William Penn October 30/Friday