Keep it Simple and natural. Everyday experiences such as changing a diaper or giving a bath build the pathways between neurons when combined with cuddling, talking, or singing to the baby. Experts urge parents to give children an environment rich with positive interaction and talking.
Match experience to the child’s mental abilities. Babies need physical experiences-that is how they learn. It is important to provide their level of understanding. For example, a safe interactive toy can help infants learn. However, flashcards are too advanced for a three-month old.
Practice makes perfect. The more repetition, the stronger the connections between neurons. Establish routines with the baby so a baby learns what to expect. Include reading a bedtime story, even when the baby can’t read. An infant will learn that sitting down with you and a book is important.
Actively involve the baby. Provide experiences in which the child takes part. Children of all ages learn the best by doing.
Provide variety, but avoid overload. Some parents try to expose their baby to as many different experiences as possible to enhance brain development. Babies do benefit form a variety of experiences, but too many can overwhelm them.
Avoid pushing the child. Children learn better if they are interested in what they are doing. Look for clues as to whether the child continues to show interest in the activity. If not, don’t pursue it.