English 12 Vocabulary Week # 4 Prepared by Mrs. Whitehead
epoch Part of speech: noun Definition: Particular period of time marked by distinctive features or events The invention of nuclear weapons marked an epoch in the history of global warfare.
monition Part of speech: noun Definition: Warning The police issued Brooke a monition instead of a speeding ticket since she had never been in trouble.
loathe Part of speech: verb Definition: Hateful; hostile; reluctant content/uploads/2012/02/polls_telemarketers_5757_642201_answer_1_xlarge-300x300.jpg Many loathe telemarketers who seem to call at the most inappropriate time, usually during dinner.
vestige Part of speech: noun Definition: A mark, trace, or sign A few columns were the last vestiges of a Greek temple.
abhor Part of speech: verb Definition: To hate very much; to detest utterly Sally thought she would abhor the thought of writing a 40-page research paper but found she loved to write.
domain Part of speech: noun Definition: A territory over which one rules, has influence or powers The courtroom is the domain of attorneys and judges.
ostracize Part of speech: verb Definition: To exclude from a group; to shun After gaining a reputation as a cheap-shot player with the Pittsburgh Steelers, he joined the Dallas Cowboys only to find he was ostracized by the Dallas players as well.
quandary Part of speech: noun Definition: Difficult or uncertain situation When a girl likes two boys equally well and they each ask her for a date at the same time, that is a teenage quandary of major proportions.
obtuse Part of speech: adjective Definition: Block-headed Hazel was so obtuse, she thought a watched pot never boils.
emulate Part of speech: verb Definition: To attempt to equal or surpass; especially through imitation Most people emulate those they most admire.