Childhood Obesity & Scotland Tony Rednall
The Challenge
BMI distribution of children in Primary 1, school years 2005/06 to 2014/15 3
27-30 month measurements Comparison of BMI distribution: UK-WHO combined Vs UK 1990
The Inequalities Challenge Projected Prevalence of Obesity in Primary 1 Children in Scotland for SIMD quintiles 1 &5 compared to Scotland as a whole: 01/12 to 19/20. ScotPHN Report on Child Healthy Weight Programme. August 2014
Obesity, Cakes and Diabetes Source: Scottish Health Survey; Kantar Worldpanel Cake consumption % Obese (16-64) Diabetes incidence
Scottish Dietary Goals Source: Food Standards Agency in Scotland
Scottish Dietary Goals - Inequalities Source: Food Standards Agency in Scotland
National Indicator Increase the proportion of healthy weight children Indicator Measure Percentage of children aged 2-15 years whose Body Mass Index lies within a healthy range (between the 2nd and 85th percentile of the UK growth reference charts)
National Performance Framework
Current policies – some examples
Weight management services Tier 4: Specialist surgical service Bariatric surgery, gastric bands. Specialist follow up. Tier 3: Specialist Weight Management Access to multi-disciplinary team e.g. psychological expertise, physiotherapy, dietetic lead programme. Tier 2: Primary Care Commercial Slimming Groups, NHS Healthy Weight programmes, Lifestyle Adviser, Community Dietetic led /accredited support worker delivered programme. Drug therapy if appropriate supported by local clinical guidance. Tier 1: Population-wide health improvement work Community interventions including active signposting, walking groups, leisure club classes, cooking classes. Links to Preventing Obesity Route Map.
Obesity policies education The Schools (Health Promotion and Nutrition) Act (Scotland) 2007 Nutritional Requirements for Food and Drink in Schools (Scotland) regulations 2008 Better Eating, Better learning – A New Context for School Food (March 2014) Beyond the School Gate (June 2014) Curriculum for Excellence (2008) Physical Activity Implementation Plan (2014) Free School Meals
Health Promoting Health Service Chief Medical Officer issued a letter to all Health Boards on 9 October which specifically mentioned the need to support weight management to improve staff health. As well as ensuring healthier food and drink choices are the norm. Healthcare Retail Standard 16
Before …
…and after
Manifesto commitments A new strategy on diet and obesity to reinforce co-ordinated action on the promotion of unhealthy foods. A new 10-year Child and Adolescent Health and Well-being Strategy, covering both physical and mental well-being To recruit an extra 500 health visitors by 2018 so that every child benefits from a health development check at 30 months. School food regulations will be reviewed to make sure all primary school children have access to at least 5 of their ‘5 a Day’ each day through school meals or healthy snacks such as fruit. Our ambition is for Scotland to be the first “Daily Mile” nation. Every school will be offered help to become a Daily Mile school To publish a food sustainability plan aimed at ensuring everyone can feed themselves and their families and establish a £1 million a year Fair Food Fund to reduce reliance on emergency food provision.