Maintain a systematic approach to planning and initiating capital projects affording the opportunity to plan the location, timing, and financing of the needed public improvements. Development of a realistic program of capital spending with the projected fiscal capability to finance such projects, avoiding the sharp changes in the tax levy or bonded indebtedness. Enable the City, Port and HRA to evaluate the needs of the entire City on a strategically oriented framework. Coordinate the capital needs with the adopted Comprehensive Plan. Maintain awareness with the public and private investors of the scope of the City’s capital improvements. Enhance opportunities for participation in federal and/or state grant and aid programs.
The addition of a permanent structural improvement or the restoration of some aspect of a property that will either enhance the property's overall value or increases its useful life. City adopts a five-year community investment program Includes anticipated public capital improvements (City or other agency)
Project Value $ 50,000 or Greater. 2015 Budgets All 2015 projects have been included within the 2015 approved budgets. Planning Tool The CIP is a living document listing all “known” projects now and into the future that "MAY" occur. CIP is generally considered a planning tool.
No Guarantee Approval of the CIP does “NOT” Guarantee funding for the project. Project Approval Each project will only move forward when all the pieces are in place (funding sources and approvals). Procurement Procurement of capital improvements within the CIP will follow City Council authorized levels of approval: ◦ Items below $100,000 ~ City Manager approval; with quarterly reports for items of $50,000 ◦ Items $100,000 or more ~ City Council approval
Organization and Policies pages 1-14 Summary Reports pages Projects by Category and Department Projects by Year and Priority Funding Source Summary Projects by Department Projects by Funding Source Future Projects
Detailed Projects pages Alternative Transportation City Facilities Park Acquisition Park Development Sewer, Water, and Storm Water South Loop/Port Authority Surface Transportation
Departments Projects Sources Alternative TransportationFacilities Park Acquisition Park Development Sewer, Water and StormwaterSouth Loop Surface TransportationTotal Bonds PIR Assessment 590,000 7,423,750 8,013,750 City Fund 4140 State Aid 3,021,610 City Fund 4300 South Loop Dev. 6,599,000 City Fund 4200 Strategic Priorities 1,000,000 Donations-Park Related 265,000 Federal Grants & Funds 3,500,000 1,038, ,640 4,910,640 Hennepin county 1,825,000 Local Government Funds & Grants 67,500 MOA TIF 250,000 Property Tax Levy 2,894,880 State Grants & Funds 530,000 2,800,000 3,330,000 Tax Increment 15,175,000 Utilities 2,725,000 1,850,000 4,575,000 Total $ 19,675,000 $ - $ 332,500 $ 2,725,000 $ 9,007,000 $ 20,187,880 $ 51,927,380
2015$51,927,380 ,328,914 ,572,440 ,671,048 ,580,462 Total $397,080,244 Future501,156,440 All CIP Known Projects $898,236,684
Adopt a resolution approving the Capital Investment Program for
Council – Regular Session – April 6, 2015
State Statute requires the Planning Commission to: ◦ Review all capital improvements for compliance with the Comprehensive Plan ◦ Report its findings to the City Council in writing
Consider: ◦ Whether the proposed capital improvements are in compliance with Comprehensive Plan. ◦ Not whether the Commission agrees or disagrees with the improvements.
“…nor shall any capital improvement be authorized by the municipality or special district or agency thereof or any other political subdivision having jurisdiction within the municipality until after the planning agency has reviewed the proposed acquisition, disposal, or capital improvement and reported in writing to the governing body or other special district or agency or political subdivision concerned, its findings as to compliance of the proposed acquisition, disposal or improvement with the comprehensive municipal plan.”
Planning staff has reviewed all proposed capital improvements Staff believes all are in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan Lori Economy-Scholler, Bloomington CFO