One Health Meeting in the African Region, Libreville, Gabon, November 2012 One Health Approach at Country Level TANZANIA Group 9 Charles Nyamrunda Henrique Silveira Nebbo J M Mwina Grace Saguti Stephen S Morse Leonard Mboera David Urassa Simon Mduma Harry Opata Phillemon wambura Eberhard M Mbunda Members:
One Health Meeting in the African Region, Libreville, Gabon, November 2012 Main achievements related to OH Political will and high-level commitment toward inter-sectoral collaboration Joint technical or coordination mechanisms-TANDREC, TEG, NAMUTAF NGOs, academia, research institutions and the private sector participation- OHCEA,SACIDS, NetMATT, AFRIQUE ONE, Examples of cooperation between public health, domestic animal and wildlife sectors with regard to event investigation-RVF 2007/2008, H5N1 2006/o7 alert, Rabies control project, HAT- under FIND/PATTEC
One Health Meeting in the African Region, Libreville, Gabon, November 2012 Comments on the regional Strategy General Vision-needs to be rephrased (doc V/S presentation) Mission-Is missing Terminology consistency MULTI- SECTORAL V/S INTER SECTORAL Priority Interventions-Routine laboratory epidemio-surveillance is missing Roles and Responsibilities Put a separate section for FAO and OIE as with WHO instead of putting them as other partners Insert a chapter on definitions of terms as per context of the document Specific Pg 10 Building partnership: Propose Member states will be expected to form - instead of mentioning ministries use sectors- such Health, Agric, Veterinary, Wildlife, and support sectors e.g Finance, Communication, Education, key partners e.g NGO, other organisation (local and International country specific). Pg 11 Capacity building- Training: delete the word TWO, Laboratory strengthening-The issue of lab staff mobility for sample collection, transportation and networking is missing Pg 12 Research activities-Consider adding antimicrobial and pesticides resistance, Sentinel sites can be addressed in laboratory epi-surveillance Pg 13 Social Mobilisation (remove the words in the bracket) Pg 13 Roles and Responsibilities- level I Include village game scouts for wildlife Pg 15 Central Level - Section d- add wildlife sector
One Health Meeting in the African Region, Libreville, Gabon, November 2012 Summary of Draft Road map ObjectiveActivitiesTimeframe (YR) Lead sector Supporting sector Strengthen inter- sectoral collaboration framework Conduct debriefing meeting at ministerial levels and PMO office xAllOHCEA Establishing a One Health Working group xPMOWHO/FAO/O HCEA Develop advocacy strategy and toolsxOH/WGWHO/FAO/O HCEA Conduct advocacy meeting for the high level officials xPMOKey sectors & Partners Conduct key stakeholders meetingxPMO Conduct policy review and harmonisation xPMOKey sectors Develop TOR (guidelines, SOP) for inter- sectoral coordination xOH/WGWHO/FAO/O HCEA Develop a One health National Strategy and Plan of Action for the control of zoonotic diseases. xPMOKey stakeholders
One Health Meeting in the African Region, Libreville, Gabon, November 2012 Summary of Draft Road map ObjectiveActivitiesTimefram e (YR) Lead sector Supporting sector Set up an intersectoral EWS for detection, confirmation and reporting of priority zoonotic diseases Identify priority diseases xx Technical group WHO/FAO/OH CEA Map the available laboratory epidemio- surveillance tools xx Technical group WHO/FAO/OH CEA Develop SOP and guidelines for reporting and communication xx Technical group WHO/FAO/OH CEA Develop mechanism for data storage and exchange xx Technical group WHO/FAO/OH CEA Develop risk communication strategy xx Technical group WHO/FAO/OH CEA
One Health Meeting in the African Region, Libreville, Gabon, November 2012 Summary of Draft Road map ObjectiveActivitiesTimeframe (YR) Lead sectorSuppo rting sector Strengthen regional and cross border collaboration Conduct regional and cross border meeting xxxOH/WGWHO/F AO/OH CEA Share information with regional bodies (EAC, SADC, AU, xxxOH/WGWHO/F AO/OH CEA 4. Build capacities on One Health approach Harmonise strategies for preventing and control of priority zoonotic diseases xxOH/WGWHO/F AO/OH CEA Conduct curricula review xxOH/WGWHO/F AO/OH CEA Conduct pre and in-service training OH/WGWHO/F AO/OH CEA Strengthen laboratory capacities (surveillance, training) xxxxOH/WGWHO/F AO/OH CEA Conduct monitoring and evaluation xxxxOH/WGAll sectors Conduct simulation exercisesxx OH/WGAll key stakeho lders
One Health Meeting in the African Region, Libreville, Gabon, November 2012 Thank you