Arabidopsis E2FA stimulates proliferation and endocycle separately through RBR ‐ bound and RBR ‐ free complexes by Zoltán Magyar, Beatrix Horváth, Safina.


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Presentation transcript:

Arabidopsis E2FA stimulates proliferation and endocycle separately through RBR ‐ bound and RBR ‐ free complexes by Zoltán Magyar, Beatrix Horváth, Safina Khan, Binish Mohammed, Rossana Henriques, Lieven De Veylder, László Bakó, Ben Scheres, and László Bögre EMBO J. Volume 31(6): March 21, 2012 ©2012 by European Molecular Biology Organization

Both RBR1 and E2FA are present in proliferating cells in Arabidopsis roots and leaves. Zoltán Magyar et al. EMBO J. 2012;31: ©2012 by European Molecular Biology Organization

E2FA silencing leads to compromised cell proliferation and endocycle. Zoltán Magyar et al. EMBO J. 2012;31: ©2012 by European Molecular Biology Organization

RBR1 makes complex with E2FA in proliferating cells while it associates with E2FB in cells leaving cell proliferation. Zoltán Magyar et al. EMBO J. 2012;31: ©2012 by European Molecular Biology Organization

The pE2FA::gE2FA–GFP lines have increased expression of E2FA within its own expression domain that leads to more proliferation and endocycle compared with WT. (A) Two independent pE2FA::gE2FA–GFP lines (line 2/10 and line 81/11) were tested for the expressi... Zoltán Magyar et al. EMBO J. 2012;31: ©2012 by European Molecular Biology Organization

E2FA interaction with RBR1 is required for the repression of premature cell elongation and endocycle. Zoltán Magyar et al. EMBO J. 2012;31: ©2012 by European Molecular Biology Organization

Model explaining the functions of E2FA and E2FB in proliferating and in endocycling cells. Zoltán Magyar et al. EMBO J. 2012;31: ©2012 by European Molecular Biology Organization