Lizards Sophia,Samantha,Nicole
Animal Description Brown and spikey and orange. Green,blue,with long claws. Black orange long and skinny. Brown orange and stretchy skin. Change all colors long sticky tongue.
Ecosystem/Habitat About 300 species have been identified so far. Tropical and Subtropical Semiaquatic Desert Jungle pond Live in the county
Food Lizards hunt little bugs. Lizards eat flying bugs Lizards stick out there tongue to catch their prey. The front of their tongue splits in half to catch big prey. Wolves eat horned lizards. Lizards’ predators are raccoons, otter, fox, opossum, snake, hawk, and badger. Prey Predator
Adaptations They have good grips to hold on to trees because they live in the jungle. They are grey so they live in rocky land to blend in. (Camouflage). Their legs are under their body to walk easier on dry land. They have big feet to run in water. They are skinny to fit in small places.
Fun Facts They can glide though the air! They can run across water! They walk up walls, and upside down! A chameleon’s tongue is faster than you can blink ! They lay 24 eggs! A glass snake’s tail is fragile! ! Babies live up to 15 years! They grow up to 2 feet long!
Resources Searchasaurus: Lizards’ Habitat World Book Kid Lizards Lizard Weird and Wonderful by, Margery Facklam Lizards by Bill Ivy Online Pictures [Bing]