Curriculum Talk for P1 Parents Cornbank Primary School Tuesday 6 th September 2016
Aims of talk today Provide you with a brief outline of the phonic scheme we use – Jolly Phonics Look at factors which help children to read successfully by blending Discuss and show what children are learning in school Look at what can you can do at home to help support your child
What factors promote success in reading? Parental involvement Enjoy lots of different books Knowledge about print Knowledge of rhyme
Advice from Midlothian Based on educational research: We have advised teachers to follow a synthetic phonic approach Teachers are encouraged to balance synthetic phonics with a look and say approach Especially when tackling tricky words
Synthetic Phonics Every school in Midlothian follows a synthetic phonic approach Schools follow the same approach but they use different resources At Cornbank our main phonic resource is called Jolly Phonics
Synthetic Phonics Letter sounds are taught rapidly and can be taught in a few months We emphasise how words are formed Phonic blending work begins before children are introduced to reading scheme books
Order of Teaching
The process... Introducing letters visually Teaching each sound with an action Children are taught simple rhymes and songs
Actions The actions used give children a ‘hook’ for their learning Simple musical rhymes and songs can help children associate the action with the rhyme Let’s see if you can join in with the rhymes your child has been learning?
Active Learning Children have lots of active opportunities in writing before they put pen to paper For example; whiteboards, magnetic letters, play dough, shaving foam etc We also check that they can see the sound and hear the sound!
Practice In class children write on white boards first before they even put a pencil on paper Advice for letter formation – round like a curly C or down like a number 1 ‘Mistakes help us to learn’ We insist on correct letter formation and you can support us with this during homework activities.
Magnetic Boards Advantages: Helps children who have difficulties with fine motor skills especially writing Children or teacher can readily change, add or delete letters So there is less pressure on children and teachers can support them more
Magnetic Boards Most children are capable of getting the correct order but some common errors that you may encounter at home are: Left to right orientation Muddling order of letters
A note about pure sounds A note about sounds - Pure soundsPure sounds
Blending We introduce letters to the magnetic boards when they have been taught We start by getting children to identify the letters visually Then we begin to blend the letters together to make simple words
Blending Children will be encouraged to: identify which sound a word or object starts with identify which sound a word or object ends with identify in words what the initial, medial and final sounds are We start simple by introducing children to small words known as c-v-c words.
Blending You can support your child at home by making simple words with the laminated letters that we send home each week This reinforces the blending that we are doing in class
Digraphs/Vowels Digraphs are two vowels together to make one sound. e.g. ‘ai’ Children are taught the digraph as one sound. In handwriting we join the vowels together to help with motor memory and to emphasise one sound.
Order of Teaching
Reading If we feel your child can blend letters together we will start to send home word lists
Reading The word lists give children the confidence to tackle new or unfamiliar vocabulary We blend at school and then reinforce these skills at home Once children can blend confidently we introduce them to our reading scheme books.
Reading Bag This reading bag is being used to send home the laminated letters and homework sheets. When we introduce reading books we will send home reading resources and a reading record where we encourage you to make comments about your child and their reading
Numeracy MUMP – Midlothian Understanding Maths Programme SEAL- Stages of Early Arithmetical Learning Active Learning
Health and Well Being Physical Wellbeing -> Monday and Tuesday afternoons -> A full PE kit should be kept in school -> All items named -> Basic Moves programme Social and Emotional Wellbeing -> Rainbow Fish -> Cool in School -> Keeping Myself Safe
Interdisciplinary Learning (IDL) Me and My Class Our Community/People Who Help Us Toys/Forces Scotland Nativity/Christmas Castles (Life in the Past) Fairyland Garden Centre/Living Things
Celebrating Success Good to Be Green House Points ACE Achievers ACE Assemblies
Just a few reminders Lining up in the morning – can adults please leave children when the bell rings and stand at the back, thank you Money being sent into school – please put any monies in a sealed, clearly marked envelope with name and class stated Please label all clothing!
Are there any questions? Thank you for coming – We hope you enjoy learning alongside your child this session