Welcome to the Autumn Term Reading Workshop for Parents
1.45 – 2:15pm Workshop input: phonics and early reading 2:20 – 2:30pm Story time in your child’s classroom 2:30 – 2:50pm Sharing stories with your children Timings for this afternoon
Aims of this afternoon To explain what we mean when we say ‘phonics’. To look at how we teach phonics. To find out how we teach your child to read. To explain the home reader system and share how you can help at home.
Phonics...? Systematic, synthetic phonics...? Phonics a noyzy trane at the stayshun a noyzy trane at the stayshun
cat catcat Analytic PhonicsSynthetic Phonics
Phonics at our school Jolly Phonics has actions for each sound Story and action Name and sound patter Letter formation Apply (read and write)
How do you say the sounds? Articulation of phonemes abcdefgh ijklmnop qurstuvwx yz
chshthngaieeighoa ooarorurowoiear airureer
Blending to read h-a-t r-i-ng
Segmenting to spell sheep knight dog
Tricky words These words are not decodable These include: I, to, the, no, go, he, she… These words have to be practised lots!
Recognising letter shapes and the sounds they make – sound books and in the environment. Phonic games that help your child blend individual sounds to make a whole word and to hear the individual sounds in whole words. How can I help at home?
Building words and taking them apart! h-a-n-d I spy with my little eye a c-u-p... cup!
Home Readers We listen to every child read weekly Your child will bring the book they read at school home on Friday to read to you The reading record book Changing books Library books
Develop a love of reading Enjoyment and funSpecial time and place to read
Be a role model
Story time in class Story sharing in class led by Reception adult Engagement in the story Questions asked Use of voice Participation
Please take a Booktime pack for your child. Thank you for coming this afternoon!