Research Methodology 1 (GGGB6013) Task 2: Literature Review NurFatin Nadiera Binti Lahazir P84330
Beginning reading Scaffolding Which teaching method should be used? Bottom-up Synthetic Phonics Top-down
Scaffolding Scholars/ ProponentsDescription Wood, Bruner & Ross (1976)an adult or "expert" helps somebody who is less adult or less expert Teacher provides guidance that allows learners to complete a task they could not accomplish independently Vygotsky (1978)It helps to move learners through the zone of proximal development (ZPD) Learners are able to learn skill that is beyond their actual development
Scaffolding Scholars/ ProponentsDescription McGee & Ukrainetz (2009)Three levels of scaffolding are used which are intense, moderate and minimal scaffolding to teach phonemic awareness in preschool and kindergarten The findings show that all project children except one could isolate consonant beginning sounds, almost all children could segment three- phoneme words into at least two phonemes (often the beginning and ending phonemes), and more than half of the children could correctly segment the entire word.
Scaffolding Scholars/ ProponentsDescription Ankrum et al. (2014)Verbal scaffolding has positive implications for learners’ literacy growth. Teacher carefully selected the texts for the students by considering their interest and reading level so that each could read within his/her zone of proximal development.
Methods to teach reading: Bottom-up VS Top-down Scholars/ ProponentsDescription National Reading Panel (2000)Findings of the meta-analysis allow us to conclude that systematic phonics instruction produces gains in reading and spelling not only in the early grades (kindergarten and 1st grades) but also in the later grades (2nd through 6th grades) and among children having difficulty learning to read.
Methods to teach reading: Bottom-up VS Top-down Scholars/ ProponentsDescription Gray (2013)The majority (though not all) of the experts who have examined the data have declared that the reading wars are over Phonics has won. Overall, children who are taught phonics from the beginning become better readers, sooner, than those who are taught by whole-word or whole-language methods.
Synthetic Phonics Scholars/ ProponentsDescription Blevins (2006)Four steps in synthetic phonics: 1.Teaching letter name knowledge 2.Teaching correspondent sounds 3.Teaching blending in forming words 4.Providing opportunities to blend unknown words in context
Methods to teach reading: Against synthetic phonics Scholars/ ProponentsDescription Torgerson et al. (2006)Systematic phonics teaching benefits children’s reading accuracy There is no evidence that any form of systematic phonics is more effective than any other. Wyse & Goswami (2008)There is no empirical evidence saying that synthetic phonics is the best approach. A range of ways of teaching systematic phonics is effective.
Methods to teach reading: For synthetic phonics Scholars/ ProponentsDescription Dixon et al. (2011)The group taught by synthetic phonics had better word reading, spelling, and reading comprehension. Johnston et al. (2012)The group taught by synthetic phonics had better word reading, spelling, and reading comprehension compared to those taught by the analytic phonics method
Methods to teach reading: For synthetic phonics Scholars/ ProponentsDescription Eshiet (2013)The findings of the study show that teachers were positively disposed to the use of synthetic phonics as an intervention in developing English literacy among Nigerian pupils. The teachers believe that pupils will learn how to read faster Farokhbakht & Nejadansari (2015)The synthetic multisensory method of Jolly Phonics contributed to higher reading and spelling abilities of students in early stages of learning English literacy.
Methods to teach reading: For synthetic phonics Scholars/ ProponentsDescription Su & Hawkins (2013)THRASS phonics did have a positive result on the participant’s recognition of the 44 phonemes in English. It instilled confidence in Thomas to read, sound out and decode words in English
Methods to teach reading: For synthetic phonics Scholars/ ProponentsDescription Jamaludin et al. (2015)Compared to the control group, which received normal classroom instruction or whole- language approach, it was found that children in the experimental group achieved significantly higher scores in all the subtests for decoding Synthetic phonics could be effective in developing early reading skills for struggling readers
Gap in previous research Scholars/ ProponentsDescription Jamaludin et al. (2015)A study to incorporate synthetic phonics instruction in the Malaysian classroom to investigate its efficacy is greatly needed. The gaps in the current literature show that the potential of success is still uncertain due to the context of the current study, which is ESL in a non- English speaking L1 environment.