Chapter 32 C Section
Kristallnacht: “Night of Broken Glass” 1.In 1935 Germans passed laws forbidding Jews from holding public offices
2.In 1939 the Nuremberg Laws deprived Jews of their rights to German Citizenship, jobs and property. They also required Jews to wear a bright yellow Star of David
3. On November 7, 1938, Herschel Grynszpan shot an employee of the German Embassy in Paris
4.On November 9, 1938 Nazi Storm Troopers attacked Jewish, homes, businesses and synagogues
The Flood of Refugees 1.At first Hitler favors Jews leaving Germany 2.Nazis sped up the process of deportation
3.As European countries and America became flooded with refugees, countries stopped allowing them in
Isolating the Jews 1.Jews are segregated into overcrowded ghettos in particular Polish cities 2.Ghettos were sealed off
Hitler’s “Final Solution” The Mass Killings Begin 1.SS troops were formed into killing squads
2.Death Camps inside Germany & Poland (other camps would be built in other countries) were formed to kill all “non pure” races
The Final Stage: Mass Extermination 1.Final Solution officially reached its final stage in early Auschwitz was the largest camp
The Survivors 1.6 million Jews died in the death camps 2.Non Jews did attempt to save some from the death camps (Raoul Wallenberg and Dietrich Bonheoffer)
TA32D Read pages Copy and Define Terms on Page 947 Copy and Answer Questions 15 & 16 on Page 952