R. Alemany & V. Kain, 21 st of April ‘09 LHC Dry Run- Week 14 oGoal: run injection and TL BI (fixed displays, logging, applications) plus injection BI, run MKI from the control room → equipment was not ready oFollow-up from dry run of week 13 oInjection permits at the MKIs o1000 ms injection forewarning generated by test button oDynamic destination inhibit not tested yet oPre-pulses arriving at injection kickers: OASIS was triggered. oMKI operational application updated; Logging of waveforms, scope settings and other parameters fully operational oMKI sequences updated oSummary under: ohttps://espace.cern.ch/mddb/Activity%20Tracking%20Tool/Activity%20Tracking%20Welcome.aspx? View=%7b593B6E53%2dF6F9%2d4485%2d8646%2dE7E683D0F681%7d&FolderCTID=0x &SelectedID=19https://espace.cern.ch/mddb/Activity%20Tracking%20Tool/Activity%20Tracking%20Welcome.aspx? View=%7b593B6E53%2dF6F9%2d4485%2d8646%2dE7E683D0F681%7d&FolderCTID=0x &SelectedID=19 1
R. Alemany & V. Kain, 21 st of April ‘09 LHC Dry Run – week 14 - Issues oRBAC stuff: Token expiration on BLM capture data concentrator (should be fixed by now): should be solved now oProxies for BTVs: not working: should be solved now oTI 8 optics: BTVST not in optics and TI8.BTVI is defined as TI8.BTVI oNeeded for screen matching oLogging issues: name server issues for some TL BI: BCTs, BLMI, BTVI: is solved now 2
R. Alemany & V. Kain, 21 st of April ‘09 LHC Dry Run - Week 13 – Issues oRBAC policy: switch to strict mode when oNeed to come back to Ring BCTs: this week’s dry run (BCTFR) oConnection to SMP oLogging onot everything logged that is defined: Profiles for wire scanners, certain parameters of BCTs (see summary), some BLMs (disconnected? ( see summary)), BBQ ; partly follow-up this dry-run opartly nothing defined: abort gap monitor, orbit oFILL DATA: could we not have some more structure there? oSub-directories automatically generated: BLM, BPM, YASP,.... oConcentrators, sequencer....and OPERA account oFixed displays: need to rationalise the number of windows we have. Started 3
R. Alemany & V. Kain, 21 st of April ‘09 LHC MCS Tests oDone: LHC BLMs, CISx, MKD/MKB settings, MKI ExpertSettings, Transfer line BLMI oSummary under: ohttp://vkain.web.cern.ch/vkain/MCSTests.htmhttp://vkain.web.cern.ch/vkain/MCSTests.htm oStill to be done: oLHC BLM online check < 25 minutes: done 5 minutes; still issue with drive, test this dry run oLBDS IPOC (issue with global devices) oLBDS BETS (hardware/software not ready): still need to do full check; this dry run oInterlocked BPMs in point 6 (still no decision on role): still need to do full check; this dry run oInterlock settings for power converters in transfer lines: still need to do full check; next days oCollimators: started tests oVirtual critical settings oWill carry on testing 4
R. Alemany & V. Kain, 21 st of April ‘09 LHC Operational Settings - FGCs oSOCs: LHC_dev_FGCs and MATCHING-SEC-IP5 oHave settings for oRamp down oPre-cycle oRamp oSqueeze (version 4) – only point 5: only LHC.USER.SQUEEZE oNone of the beamprocesses error-free yet (and not all circuits are in these SOCs). Working on it. oSummary for the time being: ohttps://espace.cern.ch/mddb/Activity%20Tracking%20Tool/Activity%20Tracking%20Welcome.aspx? View=%7b593B6E53%2dF6F9%2d4485%2d8646%2dE7E683D0F681%7d&FolderCTID=0x &SelectedID=28https://espace.cern.ch/mddb/Activity%20Tracking%20Tool/Activity%20Tracking%20Welcome.aspx? View=%7b593B6E53%2dF6F9%2d4485%2d8646%2dE7E683D0F681%7d&FolderCTID=0x &SelectedID=28 5
R. Alemany & V. Kain, 21 st of April ‘09 LHC Dry Run – week 17 oFollow-up issues from other dry runs oInjection: oPulse MKI 8 from CCC: application, softstart + sequences, operational limits oTransfer line power converters: FEI + logging oLBDS: oDump line BI oMCS checks of BETS, IPOC and interlocked BPMs oArm BETS and IPOC as far as possible: new sequences: BetsSim available oLBDS monitoring (RBAC for acknowledge) oXPOC: play-back mode; logging; triggering: check for BI oNo BIS frequency control tests yet oTiming: oNew telegram for Beam Type 6
R. Alemany & V. Kain, 21 st of April ‘09 LHC Next Dry Runs oWeek 21: Extraction tests oNew mastership; LHC synchronisation; synchronous pre-pulse, first version of injection quality check oMKQ/A, AC-Dipole oLBDS oBI almost all done: PM still missing; BCT still need some attention oInjection: pulse both kickers, MKI IPOC, full injection quality check integrated with injection sequencer,... Otherwise all done oRF – no date yet, no program yet oInterfaces with experiments oFeedbacks + sequencing + other controls interfaces (optics changes, trimming, feed forward,...) oWill come up with a program for these as soon as possible; also want to produce grid to judge overall readiness. 7