EPSCO PROGRAMME Spanish Presidency of the European Union.


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Presentation transcript:

EPSCO PROGRAMME Spanish Presidency of the European Union

EPSCO PROGRAMME Spanish Presidency of the European Union

Challenges Globalisation Impact of new technologies Fight against climate change Population ageing Immigration Response to the crisis Poverty Inequality

Conditioning factors Entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty New Commission New legislative proposals New EU 2020 Strategy New Social Agenda Outcomes of Swedish Presidency

Objectives Consolidate and advance the European social dimension Foster the creation of a space: With more employment With quality jobs More equal More socially cohesive Mainstream equal treatment in all activities

The EU 2020 Strategy Engagement with Social Europe and job creation Social Protection and social Inclusion dimensions Mainstreaming Gender Equality External dimension 6EPSCO PROGRAMME Spanish Presidency of the Eureopean Union

The EU 2020 Strategy Informal Meeting of Labour and Social Security Ministers, Barcelona (January 28-29) Informal European Council (February) EPSCO Council (March 8-9) Tripartite Social Summit (March 25) European Council (Spring and June) 7EPSCO PROGRAMME Spanish Presidency of the Eureopean Union

Employment New Employment Guidelines for Member States Informal EMCO in Oviedo (March ) “New Skills for New Jobs”  Conference in Barcelona (April 8-9)  June EPSCO Council Conclusions Conclusions on Mobility and Career of European Researchers 8EPSCO PROGRAMME Spanish Presidency of the Eureopean Union

Employment Conferences on: –Institucionalization of corporate social responsibility, Palma de Mallorca (March 25-26) –Independent work, entrepreneurship and job quality, Sevilla (April 15-16) –Social Economy in Europe, Toledo (May 6-7) –Modernization of public employment services, Zaragoza (May 27-28) 9EPSCO PROGRAMME Spanish Presidency of the Eureopean Union

Industrial Relations Proposals for a Microfinance Facility Posting of Workers –Possible proposal by the Commission –Conference on fundamental liberties and workers rights, Oviedo (March ) Working Time –Possible proposal by the Commission 10EPSCO PROGRAMME Spanish Presidency of the Eureopean Union

Health and Safety at work Mid-term review of the Strategy –Conference in Barcelona (April 22-23) New Directive: –Prevention from sharp injuries in the hospital and healthcare sectors 11EPSCO PROGRAMME Spanish Presidency of the Eureopean Union

Equality Equal treatment Directive (art. 19 TFUE) Maternity Directive Gender Violence –Council Conclusions 12EPSCO PROGRAMME Spanish Presidency of the Eureopean Union

Equality Conferences on: –Beijing +15 European Women Forum, Cádiz (February 4-5) –Informal Meeting of Equality Ministers and Conference on “Women in a crisis context and the new EU 2020”, Valencia (March 25-26) –Expert meeting on Equality and the Media, Madrid (May 31) 13EPSCO PROGRAMME Spanish Presidency of the Eureopean Union

Social Security Regulation to extend the scope of Regulation 883/2004 and 987/200 to apply to third country nationals Proposal for a Council Decision on the co- ordination of the Social Security in the Association Agreements with Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Croatia, FYROM and Israel Council Conclusions on maturing of Social Security systems, minimum pensions and inclusion 14EPSCO PROGRAMME Spanish Presidency of the Eureopean Union

Social Security Informal SPC in Burgos (April 20-21) Conference on maturing of Social Security systems, minimum pensions and inclusion, Burgos (April 22-23) Meeting of Ministers or Heads of Social Security of the EU and Latin America and the Caribbean, Alcalá de Henares (May 13-14) 15EPSCO PROGRAMME Spanish Presidency of the Eureopean Union

Social Protection Council Conclusions on: –Active Inclusion –Active Ageing –Integration of the Roma population –People with disabilities 16EPSCO PROGRAMME Spanish Presidency of the Eureopean Union

Social Protection Conferences: –Inauguration of the European Year 2010 for combating poverty and social exclusion, Madrid (January 21) –European Summit on Roma Population, Córdoba (April 8) –Active Ageing, La Rioja (April 29-30) –Ministerial Meeting on people with disabilities, Zaragoza (May 19) –Conference on personal autonomy and accesibility, Zaragoza (May 20-21) –European Meeting on victims of poverty and social exclusion, Brussels (May 27-28) 17EPSCO PROGRAMME Spanish Presidency of the Eureopean Union

Thank you for your attention