‘Enabling carers to care’: proposal for an EU carers’ strategy Marian Harkin MEP on behalf of the Interest Group on Carers and Eurocarers Brussels, 15 October 2013
Why an EU-level strategy? Member states face the same challenges in terms of long- term care provision All member states need informal carers to prevent a collapse of their care systems Recognition of the importance of carers/their contribution to care and well-being, society and the economy is growing Social Investment Package: ‘huge potential benefits of EU- level collaboration and policy coordination in this area’ Differences between member states’ provision models and the roles of (in)formal care; Huge potential for exchange of experiences/ideas and good/bad practice
The strategy addresses: Multi-dimensionality of care as well as life course Areas which are relevant to enable citizens to care: Awareness/recognition of the carers’ contribution/resource Social inclusion/participation in all areas of life Accessible and reliable information Practical support and respite
The strategy addresses (2): Health promotion and protection in health services/delivery Combining care and work responsibilities Safeguarding financial and social security rights Training for core care tasks and managing complex medical procedures Empowerment and capacity building
Elements and implementation: EU level possibilities 1 Inclusion of carers issues in health and social policy development: mainstreaming Selection of EU activities with a potential to include carers : Employment Guidelines and strategy PROGRESS Programme Health Programme Chronic disease reflection process European Social Fund (as regards training) Ambient Assisted Living Programme (ICT) Disability strategy Gender equality initiatives Social Open Method of Coordination Horizon 2020 European Semester
Elements and implementation: EU level possibilities 2Awareness-raising A specific EU action programme on carers similar to action programmes in other areas(eg disability): To ensure and coordinate an effective exchange of information, experience and good practice between stakeholders. European Year of Carers? 3Financial support A number of current EU initiatives have funding potential to Help build the capacity of carers in relation to provision of practical/emotional support and advocacy Support exchange of information, research and networking.
Elements and implementation: EU level possibilities 4Data collection and monitoring Horizon2020 to research on carers in future calls for proposals 5Legislative measures EU competence is limited BUT legislative action could be taken: legislation relating to carers leave 6Inclusion of carers in relevant EU consultations, fora and advisory boards To help assess proposed policies and initiatives for their impact on carers and their cared for. 7Procurement policies : Ensuring that impact on carers is taken on board
Conclusion: Sustainable health and care provision systems do not work without carers. Therefore, carers need support. Specific and explicit EU-level action will support awareness and sound policy development. Eurocarers and the Interest Group on Carers are ready to support such action