16/11/05 Intention to Declare Control on Unison Networks Limited PowerNet Limited Submission Martin Walton – Chief Executive Greg Buzzard – Chief Financial Officer
16/11/05 PowerNet Limited Background Network management JV company (formed in 1994) Offices in Invercargill and Balclutha Owned 50/50 by: – Electricity Invercargill Ltd – The Power Company Ltd (Southland) Manages 4 electricity networks
16/11/05 Network Details ODV $350M4 th System Length13,547km3 rd Consumers63,0006 th GWh conveyed1,230GWh5 th Land Areasq km2 nd Customer density - highest (2 nd ) and lowest Undergrounding % - highest and lowest 2005 lowest SAIDI and SAIFI, 2004 highest SAIDI Most “efficient” network
16/11/05 Network Ownership Experience Central Government Local Government Consumer Trust Consumer Co-operative Investor Owned Joint Venture
16/11/05 The 3 Dimensions Basis for Declaring Control (para 77-79) The balance between: Quality Price Return
16/11/05 Sharing Benefits Acquisition process – Cost savings are identified – AND paid to the seller “Benefits” identified by the Commission – Are not benefits – They represent cost savings identified and already paid for on acquisition Paying twice is fundamentally wrong Retrospective effect
16/11/05 WACC and ROI Measuring apples with apples – Lally’s WACC tax rate – 33% – Commission’s view of Unison’s ROI tax rate – 16.6% Individual WACC’s (para 162) Use the WACC tax rate in the ROI – Prima facie 33% AND in regulatory accounts
16/11/05 Tax Impact on Lally’s WACC TaxWACC* EIL33%7.35% TPCL66%5.11% OJV 0%9.58% Unison16%8.50% Prima facie 33% tax for ROI as in Lally’s WACC WACC* as per Lally 8 September 2005
16/11/05 Disaggregation Discourages rationalisation of networks Penalises recent acquisitions/mergers Inhibits overall commercial effective pricing Limits further industry wide efficiency gains Commerce Commission – Company wide value and return Electricity Commission – Methodology, aggregation, averaging.
16/11/05 Capital Contributions Upfront cash contribution – Covers negative discounted cash flow cost of supplying consumer – NPV = 0 approach Cost is incurred over the life of asset – Income spread over the same period – IFRS change to spreading
16/11/05 Inflation CPI as a proxy for revaluation gains Inflation scenarios modeled up to 3% A possible scenario - Customer contributions 2% of ODV -Inflation 5% -Lally WACC of 7.35% -Every profit would equate to an ROI above WACC
16/11/05 Summary Balance between the 3 dimensions – Price, quality and return Building block approach does not share efficiency gains Identified “benefits” are not benefits WACC and ROI parameters are inconsistent Continued disaggregation is less efficient Consistency with the Purpose Statement?