2 PRESENTERS: Catherine Wheeler, Director of Pupil Personnel Services Kim Liguori, Assistant Director of Pupil Personnel Services Nanine McLaughlin, Principal of Garden City High School Mandi Stefankevitch, School Psychologist Melina Mendelson, School Psychologist
4 Some Things Remain the Same As students transition to the High School, there are many things that stay the same: Special Education Programs and Services Resource Room, Integrated Co-Teaching, Special Class Speech/Language, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Counseling, Parent Training, etc Related Services provided in school during the school day. PT/OT service providers are contracted staff. Building Staff supported by consultants in the areas of Assistive Technology, Co-Teaching, and Autism/Behavior All identified program modifications, test accommodations, assistive technology, etc. identified on your child’s IEP will continue to be provided in the High School General Education Report Cards and IEP Progress Reports are sent out quarterly. Each Student is assigned a special education teacher as a case manager. Students are assigned a School Counselor who will remain with them for the duration of their High School program.
5 The 8 → 9 Annual Review Who will be there? Who chairs it? What is the format of the meeting? What happens after the meeting to help my child make a smooth transition?
6 The 8 → 9 Annual Review The annual review process for your 8 th grade child will be familiar to you in most aspects. 8 th grade annual reviews are subcommittee meetings and will take place at the middle school. In addition to the mandated members of the subcommittee, the 8 th grade school counselor is also invited.
7 The 8 → 9 Annual Review A high school counselor will be part of your child’s meeting. However, it may not be your child’s assigned counselor. Your 8 th grade child is also invited and will usually participate at his/her annual review, as in last year.
8 The 8 → 9 Annual Review Currently, there is a school psychologist assigned to the 8 th and 9 th grade, who will chair your child’s annual review. There is another school psychologist who currently works with grades 10, 11 and 12. Recommendations for the 9 th grade special education programs and services will be made at this meeting.
9 The 8 → 9 Annual Review After the Meeting After your child’s annual review takes place, there are a number of other ways that the staff prepares for your child’s entrance to high school. The most important one is ARTICULATION: This is the process by which the 8 th grade staff will communicate with the high school staff to relay information about the students Articulation takes place in the spring after annual review season and again in the fall
10 The 8 → 9 Annual Review After the Meeting Your child is also afforded the same opportunities as all the 8 th graders to come to the 8 th grade student visits to the high school in February, attend the August incoming grade 9 orientation, make an appointment with the high school counselor, etc. You will be informed of further opportunities as well.
11 SPECIAL EDUCATION SERVICES All special education services are provided as per your child’s IEP, including test accommodations
12 CASE MANAGERS Case managers are special education teachers who are assigned students, most of whom are on their caseload, to help ensure that the students’ IEPs are implemented (including accommodations) across education settings. They are the parent’s first point of contact to address any issues or concerns. They coordinate with the student’s general education teachers The case managers will contact parents at the beginning of school to introduce themselves to you. The case managers may change each year.
13 CONTINUUM OF SPECIAL EDUCATION SERVICES Special Classes Self-Contained Integrated Co- Taught Consultant Teacher Direct Resource Room Related Services
14 Transition Services Designed to be a results-oriented process, that is focused on improving the academic and functional achievement of a child with a disability to facilitate the child’s movement from school to post-school activities. Transition planning begins when the student turns 12 years old (typically at 6 th grade annual review). Level 1’s should be completed by the parent, teacher, and school counselor regarding post-secondary goals of the student at this time. Transition information is included for all students with disabilities who turn 15 years of age during the school year (typically at 8 th or 9 th grade annual review).
15 Measurable Post-Secondary Goals New section of the IEP when child turns 15 years old Long-term goals for living, working, and learning as an adult Transition needs identified, taking into account strengths, preferences, and interests as they relate to transition from school to post-school activities Includes: Education/ training Employment Independent Living Skills (when appropriate)
16 Adult Services and Guardianship By age 18- if a student is unable to make legal and medical decisions without parental guidance, a parent must file with the Surrogate’s Court of the State of New York for legal guardianship. Adult Agencies for vocational assistance, living, and financial assistance include: Adult Career and Continuing Education Services- Vocational Rehabilitation (ACCES-VR formerly VESID) Office of Mental Health (OMH) Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD formerly OMRDD) Referral to appropriate agencies is based on eligibility and specific disability/ needs.
17 The Master Schedule Mandated IEP services are provided within the nine period school day These services take precedence over everything else. If a student has multiple mandated services or support classes, they may not be able to take an elective during their freshman year. Students need to make choices
18 GCHS Support Services Academic Intervention Services-AIS Math Lab Math support classes Reading Writing Center Extra Help Integrated Class Support (ICS) Regents Review Classes
19 Questions/Comments