Business Ratepayer Budget Consultation 2015/16 AYLESBURY VALE DISTRICT COUNCIL
AYLESBURY VALE DISTRICT COUNCIL Government Grant Projection Total Government Support Revenue Support Grant Retained Business Rates AYLESBURY VALE DISTRICT COUNCIL
Government Grant (Current) Projection Revenue Support Grant Retained Business Rates Negative Grant AYLESBURY VALE DISTRICT COUNCIL
Cost of Services £310 £208 £131 £136 £179 £72 2010/11 2015/16 Funded From: Council Tax £131 £136 Government Grant £179 £72
AYLESBURY VALE DISTRICT COUNCIL Achieved Thus Far Year Savings / New Income Identified £ 2011/12 2,809,700 2012/13 2,030,200 2013/14 1,339,900 2014/15 2,427,600 2015/16 2,456,000 Total 11,063,400 AYLESBURY VALE DISTRICT COUNCIL
Savings & Efficiencies Guiding Principles; If it’s valuable to the customer and they have a choice they should pay a fair price Provision of added value services where customers want them Processes should be driven by customers but as efficiently and as lean as possible Automation where it works for the Customer Cuts to services only as a last resort and targeted at least valued services AYLESBURY VALE DISTRICT COUNCIL
Investment in Business £90 million invested in Aylesbury Town Centre over the past 5 years Including a University presence Further investment planned Co-owner of a £36M industrial and commercial property portfolio in the Vale Increased Council Tax by 1.9% last year to provide additional support for business In 2015/16 seeking to build additional business support in to base budget Economic Development Team AYLESBURY VALE DISTRICT COUNCIL
AYLESBURY VALE DISTRICT COUNCIL New Homes Bonus A reward for accepting housing growth Top sliced from Government Grant AVDC receiving largest district payment Received £10 million to date East West Rail - £5 million Broadband - £1.5 million Parishes projects - £1 million Reserved for infrastructure projects AYLESBURY VALE DISTRICT COUNCIL
AYLESBURY VALE DISTRICT COUNCIL Key Budget Issues 2015/16 Government Grant Reduction Retained Business Rates Interest on Investments Inflationary and Other Pressures Savings Target AYLESBURY VALE DISTRICT COUNCIL
Council Tax and Business Rates Initial Budget proposals include a Council Tax Freeze - £136.35 a year or £2.62 a week Business Rates set by the Government and increased annually by September RPI (2.1%) Next Revaluation - 2017 Small Business Rate Relief - ends 31/3/15 Discretionary relief – up to 100% Retail Rate Relief - £1,000 New Build Relief – up to 18 months High Street Relief AYLESBURY VALE DISTRICT COUNCIL
AYLESBURY VALE DISTRICT COUNCIL Questions & Comments Is our Strategy correct? Would you like to see us doing something else, or something differently? Is there anything you think we should stop doing? Any other questions or comments? AYLESBURY VALE DISTRICT COUNCIL