Armando Quintero
Organizational Structure Cause/Effect Chronological/Order/Sequence Compare/contrast Description/List Problem/Solution
Description The writer analyzes then explains the causal relationship between things The reader is told the result of an event or occurrence and the reasons the reasons it happened.
Signal words Consequently, therefore as a result, thereby leads to, because, this lead to, since, may be due to
Graphic Organizers Cycle Fishbone map Webbing
Description The writer presents ideas, series of events, or a process in the order in which they occurred Example: A book about the American revolution might list the event leading to the war. In another book, steps involved in harvesting blue might be told.
Signal words Next, first, last, second, another, then, after, additionally, initially, before, not long after when
Graphic Organizers Chain of Events Sequence chain Series of Events Chain
Description The writer presents differences and similarities of two or more objects, places events or ideas by grouping their traits for comparison Example: A book about ancient Greece may explain how the Spartan woman
Signal words However, unlike, like, by, contrast, yet, in comparison,although, on the other hand, instead of, unless, not only-but, different from, similar to
Graphic Organizers Compare/Contrast Matrix Venn Diagram
Description The writer presents information in a structure that resembles an outline. Each section opens with its main idea, then elaborates on it, sometimes dividing the elaboration onto subsections. Example: a book may tell all about whales or describe what the geography is like in a particular region.
Signal words consequently, therefore as a result, thereby, leads to, for instance, for example, furthermore, in addition, to, such as, also,in fact
Graphic organizers Clustering Sematic web Sketch Spider map
Description The writer presents a problem then expounds upon possible solutions for that problem
Signal Words The question is, one answer is, one reason for, recommendations include
Graphic Organizers Problem/Solution Outline