Financial Aid 101 Office of Financial Aid
Financial Aid Basics Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) Scholarships from high school and community GPA/Class Attendance Financial Aid on MyBlue
Student & Parent Loans Accept on MyBlue Complete Master Promissory Note Complete Entrance Counseling Parent Loan - Apply for a PLUS Loan
Work-Study Actual job Both on-campus & off-campus positions Student Employment Fair (8/24/16) At least minimum wage
Timeline Charges Post to Account (approx. July 29 th ) Financial Aid Credits (approx. Aug 12 th ) First Week of School (Aug 22 nd – 26 th ) Bills ed (approx. Aug 31 st ) Balance Due in Full (approx. Sept 21 st )
When is the extra money (refund) available? Do we have to take out all of the loan amount? I have a UNK scholarship but it is not showing up on my student’s financial aid, why? How does spring semester work? How do I get a parent loan? Is there anything my student has to do to get their student loans? Is there more loan the student can take out in the student’s name – not mine? Do outside scholarships affect the UNK scholarship, grant or loan awards? Is there a deadline for applying for the loans? Can I still apply for federal aid? What are the interest rates on loans? How does my student purchase books?