City of Oceanside Melrose Drive Extension Public Scoping Meeting March 13, p.m.
The City of Oceanside is proposing to extend Melrose Drive approximately 3,000 feet between North Santa Fe Avenue and Spur Avenue. Presently, Melrose Drive terminates at North Santa Fe Avenue and Spur Avenue. The extension would allow access between North Santa Fe Avenue and State Route 76 via Melrose Drive. What Is Being Proposed?
The proposed extension of Melrose Drive is included in the Master Transportation Plan of the City’s General Plan Circulation Element. The purpose of the project is to promote intra ‑ city and sub-regional transportation service, including an important regional transportation link to the cities of Vista and Carlsbad. Why Is This Being Proposed Now?
The project area is located near the eastern border of the City of Oceanside, south of State Route 76 The project area is bounded by Sagewood Drive to the south and Spur Avenue to the north. The eastern project area boundary is largely within the unincorporated area of the County east of Old Colony Road, while Guajome Regional Park forms the majority of western project boundary. Study Area
Three alternative alignments are currently being studied and evaluated for various constraints and potential project impacts. All of the alternatives, to varying degrees, will affect Guajome Regional Park, private residences and agricultural/commercial businesses within the project area. Alternative Alignments
Alternative Alignment A (Green)
Alternative A would extend Melrose Drive from North Santa Fe in a straight line to Spur Avenue. Alignment would impact a portion of Guajome Regional Park, as well as residential and commercial parcels. Alternative Alignment A
Alternative Alignment B (Blue)
Alternative Alignment B Alternative B would push the Melrose Drive right of way to the east, reducing impacts to Guajome Regional Park but increasing commercial and residential impacts.
Alternative Alignment C (Red)
Alternative Alignment C Alternative C would push the Melrose Drive right of way to the west, reducing impacts to residential and commercial parcels but increasing the impact to Guajome Regional Park.
Potential Environmental Impacts It is anticipated that the Draft EIR will analyze the following issues, among others: Land Use Population and Housing Traffic and Circulation Noise Parkland Hazardous Materials Visual Quality and Landform Alteration
Potential Environmental Impacts, Cont’d Vegetation Cultural Resources Geology and Soils Air Quality
Environmental Impact Review Process Notice of Preparation (NOP) was sent on Jan. 9, 2008, with a second notice in late February. City is requesting the your views as to the scope and content that should be studied in the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) Comments on the scope of the EIR are due to the City by the end of April.
The purpose of these meetings is to receive public comments. Visit any of the four information stations for more information and to leave your comments and concerns. Fill out a comment form and leave it now, or take it with you and mail it to the address on the form. How Can You Learn More And Comment?