Pat McCarty, Generation Manager and Chair of the Advisory Board for the Center of Excellence for Clean Energy
2 TACOMA POWER BACKGROUND A municipal electric utility established in One of twelve serving in Pierce County Provides retail electric and telecommunications services Part of Tacoma Public Utilities which also includes Tacoma Water and Tacoma Rail and governed by a 5 member Public Utility Board 180 square mile service territory including: Tacoma, Fircrest, University Place and Joint Base Lewis-McChord; as well as portions of Fife, Lakewood, Steilacoom, Federal Way and unincorporated Pierce County Serve more than 350,000 residents in Pierce County (about 50% inside City of Tacoma) About 172,000 electric customers: plus joint base Lewis-McChord
ELECTRIC UTILITIES SERVING PIERCE COUNTY August 10, City of Milton 2.Elmhurst Power & Light Co 3.Lakeview Light & Power 4.Lewis County PUD 5.Ohop Mutual Light Co 6.Parkland Light & Power 7.Peninsula Light Company 8.Puget Sound Energy 9.Tacoma Power 10.Town of Eatonville 11.Town of Ruston 12.Town of Steilacoom
5 TACOMA POWER’S ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP FISH Tacoma Power owns and funds two of the largest fish hatcheries in the state which annually produce about ten million salmon, steelhead and cutthroat trout on the Cowlitz River Tacoma Power annually provides over $1M to state and tribal hatcheries Tacoma Power is spending $50M to improve fish passage and construct two hatcheries at the Cushman project and is constructing a new $35M downstream fish collector for the Cowlitz project.
6 TACOMA POWER’S ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP WILDLIFE Tacoma Power owns and manages over 20,000 acres of wildlife land in Lewis, Pierce, Mason, Thurston and Grays Harbor Counties
7 TACOMA POWER’S ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP RECREATION Tacoma Power provides 150 miles of shoreline and operates 9 parks in 5 counties with year around camping, boating and day use recreation opportunities
TACOMA POWER IS COMMITTED TO ENERGY CONSERVATION CONSERVATION IS THE ONLY RESOURCE TACOMA POWER PLANS TO ACQUIRE THROUGH 2025 – WE TAKE IT VERY SERIOUSLY Over $60 million invested in energy conservation from Programs serve all customers – residential, commercial, industrial, low income Tacoma Power’s 31 conservation team members have over 500 years of combined experience in energy efficiency Conservation Resources Management
9 CENTER’S OF EXCELLENCE Link business, industry, labor and the state’s educational systems to create a highly skilled and readily available workforce Serve as statewide resources representing the needs and interests of a specific industry sector Centers are charged with narrowing the gap between employer workforce needs and the colleges’ supply of work-ready graduates Are a critical component of sustaining an innovative and vibrant economy.
10 CENTER OF EXCELLENCE ADVISORY BOARDS Are a permanent standing board to provide advice and insight to the Center of Excellence from the perspective of industry, education, labor, and the community. Helps the center achieve its mission by ensuring that programs and projects advance the needs of the energy sector within the region.
11 CENTER OF EXCELLENCE FOR CLEAN ENERGY ADVISORY BOARD MEMBERS Industry & Labor Partners Pat McCarty (Chair), Tacoma Power Avista – Jeremy Gall Bonneville Power Administration – P.J. Lecompte Centralia City Light – Micah Goo, M.L. Norton IBEW Local 77 – Bob Guenther Lewis County PUD – Daniel Kay, P.E. Lewis Economic Development Council – Matt Matayoshi Northwest Territories Power Company (Canada) – Jay Pickett Pacific Mountain Workforce Development Council – Pam Grindstaff Puget Sound Energy – Troy Nutter Seattle City Light – Keith Gulley Transalta Centralia – Chuck Higgins Washington State Labor Council, AFL-CIO – Kairie Pierce Educational Partners Centralia College – Rulon Crawford and John Steidel Construction Center Of Excellence – Shana Peschek Grays Harbor College – Mike Kelly Regional Education And Training Center – Bob Topping Washington State University Energy Program – Todd Currier Ex-officio Centralia College Trustee – Jim Lowery Center Of Excellence Executive Director– Barbara Hins-Turner WISE Lead Project Manager – Anthony Valterra
12 MY TIME ON THE BOARD Started in 2004 at the COE’s inception Chaired the board since 2007 Grants – Over $30 Million WIRED – Workforce Innovation through Regional Econ. Dev. SmartGrid TAACCCT - Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training grant through the Department of Labor and Department of Education > WISE – Washington Integrated Sector Employment Labor Market Studies – 2009 & 2013 Skill Standards Hydro Curriculum
MY FAVORITES – THE GRADUATES May 19, Sara Bowles is Tacoma Power’s Residential Conservation Program Coordinator. Chad Taylor, Cowlitz Project Hydro Utility Worker Jake Kinsman, Nisqually Project Hydro Utility Worker