Albert Sherman Center Achieving Predicted Energy Use March 15 th, 2016 Presented By: Fran Boucher, CEM – National Grid Suzanne Wood – UMass Medical School David MacNeil, PE – UMass Medical School
Building Highlights 512,000 ft 2 9 Floors: 4 thru 9 – Lab and office space, 1 thru 3 – classroom, auditorium, fitness center and cafeteria Substantial completion December 2012 Achieved LEED Gold certification: LEED-NC v2009
Commissioning and Energy Modelling Comprehensive energy modelling performed by sustainability consultant o Predicated Savings: 26.99% over ASHRAE o Energy and Atmosphere Credit 1: 7 points Fully commissioned by third party Commissioning agent o Energy and Atmosphere Credit 3 - Enhanced Cx: 2 points o Energy and Atmosphere Credit 5 – M & V: 3 points
Post Occupancy Commissioning not completed Energy model calibration did not accurately reflect the actual occupancy and operation General feeling that the building wasn’t operating correctly.
Post Occupancy M & V Energy Model Calibration (% error between actual data and simulation)* o Electricity:3% o Steam:54% o Chilled Water:15% *Calibration was completed in November 2013 (11 months after substantial completion)
Retro Commissioning Initiative Phase I – Study* Team included original Cx Agent, controls contractor, balancing contractor, UMass Sustainability, UMass Facilities Engineering and Facilities Maintenance Phase II – Implementation All of the above along with whatever contractor was necessary to implement a particular measure. Phase III – Measurement and Verification Ongoing – September 2015 thru September 2016 *Began May 2014 (17 months after substantial completion)
Baseline, Proposed, and Actual EUI Baseline developed by consultant using ASHRAE EUI = 298 Proposed case developed by consultant taking into consideration ECMs in building’s schematic design EUI= 204 Actual 2013 EUI calculated from utility data EUI= 327
Energy Conservation Measures Identified 4 major ECMs to RCx 1.Reduce enthalpy wheel speed to 0Hz 2.Optimize enthalpy wheel modulation sequence and implement DA-T reset schedule 3.Reduce ventilation in office spaces 4.Reduce ventilation in office spaces to 0 CFM during unoccupied mode
Measurement & Verification From implementing the 4 major ECMs EUI is expected to be reduced from current 327 to 309 kBTU/sf/yr
Conclusion/Lessons Learned Was the energy model predictive of the actual building performance? Was 204 realistic? What are the differences between the model and actual? Did the building conform to the model? How can the process change to make sure Cx is complete? Accurate metering is critical RetroCx and/or continuous commissioning are worthwhile and pay for themselves through savings and rebates