Going to Discovery Place
I am going to Discovery Place.
There might be times when I need to wait for my turn when I go to Discovery Place.
Wait means to pause my body. I need to use a quiet voice while I am waiting. I need to keep my hands and feet to myself while I am waiting.
This means I will pause and stand in row. I might need to wait in a line with other people.
I might also need to wait to play or watch a show. This means I will need to pause until it is my turn.
I might need to wait for the elevator to go to Discovery Place.
I might have to wait in line to buy tickets for Discovery Place.
I might have to wait in line to see an IMAX movie.
I might have to wait to play at Kid Science.
I might have to wait at Mix It Up or Project Build.
I might have to wait at the Rainforest or the Aquarium.
I might go to a Nose to Nose show at the Rainforest. I might have to wait to touch the animals at the show.
I might have to wait at the Stage.
I might have to wait at World Alive.
I might have to wait at the Touch Tank or Water Play.
My family, class, or group might eat at the Community Café. I might have to wait for my food.
I can ask to go to the Comfort Room for a break. I can ask my family, teacher, or a adult in my group for a break if I get tired of waiting.
I might have lots of fun at Discovery Place! When I follow the rules for waiting, everybody will be happy and safe. My family, class, or group will be proud of me for waiting my turn.