The Twitter ‘Getting Started Webinar’ For the Tweeple By Tony Treacy of Ltd. Follow me on Twitter:
Go To and click on « Get Started – Join! »
Fill in the form – Preferably use your real first and last name as username to open your first Twitter account.
Skip this step unless you want to invite your friends to join Twitter as well
Here you can choose whether you follow these people or not. If you do not wish to follow them, click on « Finish »
You are now in your Twitter account. Congratulations!
Click on « Settings » in the right column, fill in the first tab; which is your personal data. Be careful when you type your bio – take some time to think about what you will enter.
As you can see, you are free to make any changes you want; you just have to enter your password.
If you want to change your password, just click on « password tab »
You can enter your mobile phone number here if you want Twitter updates to your phone.
You can choose to get Twitter to nudge you with a text to your mobile phone.
In this tab you can change the design of your Twitter page.
As well as change the colours…
Back to your Twitter main account. It’s time to send your first tweet
A sentence like "Hi, just joined Twitter and looking forward to meeting interesting people" is a good one to send.
Now that you’re set up, we will talk about the Twitter Client Applications. The first one is Tweetdeck at to
Here’s the screen you get once Tweetdeck is installed on your computer.
You even can change the design and colours if you want.
TweetDeck allows you to send your tweets to your followers
To send a tweet to someone’s private message box, just before their username
Type RT to retweet a message you find useful for your own followers as well
Twellow at is a good way of finding people to communicate with.
People here are categorised into all different areas: the main page will show you all categories.
Clicking on a category will display a list of members in that category, sorted out by the number of followers they have.
Mr Tweet at is an additional method to get new followers.
Follow Mr Tweet and you will receive a Direct Message by from him.
If you set up your account to get your Direct Messages by , here’s how it looks.
Click the link in the message and you are prompted to a page full of potential people to follow and many more info.
An additional useful tool is Twitter Grader at
Grader lets you know how you are ranked in Twitter. The search function lets you see who’s the Top Tweeple.
You should add your own Twitter background. If you are not a Photoshop genius, you might want to go to
SocialToo at will help you to run some Twitter tasks on autopilot.
Once logged in, select what you want to do: for instance, set up your follow and unfollow options.
You can connect your Facebook account to your Twitter account with SocialToo.
Choose whether you want to automatically unfollow everyone that doesn’t follow you.
Tweetlater at lets you schedule your tweets; for instance: one tweet every hour for 24 hours.
Twitterfeed at feeds your blog hosted by Blogger, Wordpress, or any other platform to Twitter.
Splitweet at allows you to manage multiple Twitter accounts at once.
Twitdom at contains more than 500 Twitter applications in their database! A great resource for the Tweeple!
Friendfeed at allows you to link all your social networking sites among each other and manage all of them at once.
Your Twitter Karma at is very useful and easy to use: just type in your Twitter username and password to access the system.
Once logged in, choose whether you want to have a look at all your followers or those that don’t follow you.
It allows you to follow or unfollow as many Twitterers as you want just by clicking « check all » and then « bulk follow or unfollow ».
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