R2E Availability October 15 th 2014 RE Equipment G. Spiezia
R2E Availability October 15 th 2014 Outline RE location and equipment Radiation levels Equipment list and expected failures Possible prevention/mitigation actions Conclusion
R2E Availability October 15 th 2014 RE areas Alcoves in the ARC One RE per side of each point ~2 km form the main access of each point
R2E Availability October 15 th 2014 Radiation levels Linear scale with beam intensity Scale with beam energy Beam-gas pressure: increase with 25ns operation how much: we don’t really know scrubbing contribution will depend on the used scheme and efficiency at the MQ/MB close to the REs RadMonAssumptions for team
R2E Availability October 15 th 2014 Radiation levels Expected radiation levels at the entry of RE Factor 10 between the two end sides of the RE
R2E Availability October 15 th 2014 Equipment Equipment list based on the visit of the RE18 We assume that the other REs have the same equipment
R2E Availability October 15 th 2014 Some pictures IT-Switch Control for EN/EL Emergency Light Cryo ODH, FIRE VACUUM
R2E Availability October 15 th 2014 Equipment list to verify TeamEquipmentDescriptionRadiation testCriticality GS/ASEFire ODH ControlControl cardsDone ITIT- switch/TransmitterCustomDone TE/CRGCryogenicsCustomDone EN/EL Control Electrical Distr 48V Safety Light UPS Commercial TE/VACVacuumPLC, IODone EN/CVVentilationCommercial- BE/COControl equipmentOptical RepeatersNot Done EN/MEFSurveyEmpty- ITFibreCustom- BE/COTimingCustom- TE/MPEQPSSpare parts- GS/ASEAccessNo sensitive equipment- ITGSMTransmitters- To be iterated with the equipment owners
R2E Availability October 15 th 2014 What to expect for the next years Assumptions Equipment All the REs (16 in total) have the same equipment (type and number) 3 critical (e.g. they can fail) units per each RE Each critical unit has a cross section of 2E-8 cm 2 Fail at a fluence of 5E7 cm -2 (based on previous experience) FLUKA calculations: Radiation levels will go from 1E6 (2016) to 8E6 (2025) cm -2 Expectations Total dose is not a concern SEE can appear at a fluence of ~ 1E6 cm -2 This means: we have 1 failure in 2016 and 8 in 2025(considering 3 critical units) If the number of critical units is higher, the number of failures increases Source of uncertainty
R2E Availability October 15 th 2014 What we can do Expectations Total dose is not a concern SEE can appear at a fluence of 1E6 cm -2 Mitigation and countermeasures Relocation is not an option Shielding is possible A reduction of the radiations by a factor 8-10 is needed Thermal neutrons are still there (source of SEE) Test equipment to reduce as much as possible the “unknown”
R2E Availability October 15 th 2014 Conclusion Radiation levels are expected to be low Issues come from the high (total) number of (possibly sensitive) equipment (source of uncertainty) Shielding can help How much: it depends on the real radiation levels To do List Detailed inventory of the area Test to assess the equipment sensitivity as good as possible Re-iterate the radiation levels expectations on the basis of real measurements