Table 2.1.1: Number of Corneal Transplantation and Transplant Rate per million population (pmp), Year No. of new transplants New transplant rate pmp Table 2.1.2: Types of Corneal Transplant, Year1998 (N=119) 1999 (N=122) 2000 (N=126) 2001 (N=221) 2002 (N=203) No.% % % % % Penetrating Keratoplasty Lamellar Keratoplasty Patch Graft for Corneal Patch Graft for Sclera Cornea Scleral Keratopalsty No data Year2003 (N=165)2004 (N=184)2005 (N=192)2006 (N=177)2007 (N=189)TOTAL (N=1698) No.% % % % % % Penetrating Keratoplasty Lamellar Keratoplasty Patch Graft for Corneal Patch Graft for Sclera Cornea Scleral Keratopalsty No data
Table 2.2.1: Gender distribution, Year1998 (N=119) 1999 (N=122) 2000 (N=126) 2001 (N=221) 2002 (N=203) 2003 (N=165) 2004 (N=184) 2005 (N=192) 2006 (N=177) 2007 (N=189) TOTAL (N=1698) GenderNo.% % % % % % % % % % % Male Female Table 2.2.2: Ethnic distribution, Year1998 (N=119) 1999 (N=122) 2000 (N=126) 2001 (N=221) 2002 (N=203) 2003 (N=165) 2004 (N=184) 2005 (N=192) 2006 (N=177) 2007 (N=189) TOTAL (N=1698) Ethnic group No.% % % % % % % % % % % Malay Chinese Indian Bumiputra Sabah Bumiputra Sarawak Others No Data
Table 2.2.3: Age distribution of corneal transplant recipient patients, Year1998 (N=119) 1999 (N=122) 2000 (N=126) 2001 (N=221) 2002 (N=203) 2003 (N=165) 2004 (N=184) 2005 (N=192) 2006 (N=177) 2007 (N=189) TOTAL (N=1698) Age group (years) No.% % % % % % % % % % % >= Mean SD Median Minimum 4 months52 months5 months1 2 months 3 Maximum
Table 2.2.4: Primary diagnosis, Year 1998 (N=119) 1999 (N=122) 2000 (N=126) 2001 (N=221) 2002 (N=203) 2003 (N=165) 2004 (N=184) 2005 (N=192) 2006 (N=177) 2007 (N=189) TOTAL (N=1698) Primary Diagnosis No.% % % % % % % % % % % Keratoconus Corneal scar Microbial keratitis Microbial keratitis+Corne a perforation Corneal perforation (non microbial) Pseudophakic Bullous keratopathy Other (non psedophakic) bullous keratopathy Failed previous graft Corneal dystrophy Congenital opacity Others No data *1650 patients have 1 primary diagnosis, 168 have 2 primary diagnoses, 11 patients had 3 diagnoses, and 1 patient had 4 diagnoses
Table 2.2.5: Indications of Corneal Transplant, Indication of transplant2004 (N=184) 2005 (N=192) 2006 (N=177) 2007 (N=189) TOTAL (N=742) %No.% % % % Optical Tectonic Therapeutic Tectonic + Therapeutic Optical + Tectonic Optical + Tectonic + Therapeutic Optical + Therapeutic Optical + Others Others No data Table : No of Previous Grafts in Grafted Eye, Graft Number2004 * (N=138) 2005 (N=192) 2006 (N=177) 2007 (N=189) Total (N=696) No.% % % % % * In the year 2004 there were a total of 184 corneal transplants performed but complete data set was only received for 138 patients.
Table : Ocular Co-morbidity, (N=138) 2005 (N=192) 2006 (N=177) 2007 (N=189) Total (N=696) Ocular co-morbidityNo.% % % % % Any ocular co-morbidity (a to d below) a) Superficial corneal vascularisation b) Deep corneal vascularisation c) History of glaucoma d) Current ocular inflammation *Patient might have multiple ocular co-morbidities. Table : Pre-operative Vision,
Table : Source of Donor Cornea Tissue, * (N=138) 2005 (N=192) 2006 (N=177) 2007 (N=189) Total (N=696) Source of donorNo.% % % % % Local USA Sri Lanka Others No data If Local, ethnic group: Malay Chinese Indian Others No data * In the year 2004 there were a total of 184 corneal transplants performed but complete data set was only received for 138 patients. Figure : Source of Donor Corneal Tissue,
Table : Donor Age Distribution, (N=138) 2005 (N=192) 2006 (N=174) 2007 (N=189) Total (N=696) Age, yearsNo.% % % % ≥ Mean SD Median Minimum Maximum Table : Preservation Media, (N=138) 2005 (N=192) 2006 (N=177) 2007 (N=189) Total (N=696) Preservation mediaNo.% % % % % Optisol GS MK Medium Moist Chamber Others*001* No data *Others : Eusol-C
Figure : Preservation Media, Table : Cause of Death in Corneal Donors, (N=138) 2005 (N=192) 2006 (N=177) 2007 (N=189) Total (N=696) Cause of death No.% % % % % Cardiac / Circulatory System Cerebrovascular System Malignancy Trauma / Accident Respiratory System Others No data
Table : Types of Surgeries, (N=138) 2005 (N=192) 2006 (N=177) 2007 (N=189) Total (N=696) Type of surgeryNo.% % % % % Penetrating Keratoplasty Lamellar Keratoplasty Patch graft for corneal Patch graft for scleral Cornea Scleral Lamellar Keratoplasty * In the year 2004 there were a total of 184 corneal transplants performed but complete data set was only received for 138 patients (N=138) 2005 (N=192) 2006 (N=177) 2007 (N=189) Total (N=696) Combined surgeries No.% % % % % No. of patients with corneal transplant surgery combined with another surgical procedure (a) Glaucoma surgery (b) Cataract Extraction (c ) IOL (d) Cataract extraction and IOL (e) Retinal Surgery + Internal Tamponade (f) Anterior vitrectomy (g) Others *Patients may have more than one combined surgery. Table : Types of Combined Surgeries,
2004 (N=138) 2005 (N=192) 2006 (N=177) 2007 (N=189) Total (N=696) Graft size, mmNo.% % % % % No data Mean SD Median Minimum Maximum Table : Recipient Cornea Trephine Size,
Table : Difference in Trephined Sizes of Recipient and Donor Corneas, (N=138) 2005 (N=192) 2006 (N=177) 2007 (N=189) Total (N=696) Difference in Graft size, mmNo.% % % % % Same size Not available Table : Suture Technique, (N=138) 2005 (N=192) 2006 (N=177) 2007 (N=189) Total (N=696) Suture TechniqueNo.% % % % % Interrupted only Continuous only Combined No data
Table 2.4.1: Stock and Flow - Graft status (whole database)
Figure : Graft Survival, Table : Graft Survival, * Interval (months)No.% successSE Outcome data were not submitted for 192 corneal transplant patients in year , while outcome data at 1 year for 172 corneal transplant patients with notification in year 2007 is still on going
Figure : Graft Survival by Optical and Non-optical Indication, Table : Graft Survival by Optical and Non-optical Indication, OpticalNon-Optical Interval (months)No.% successSENo.% successSE Outcome data were not submitted for 192 corneal transplant patients in year , while outcome data at 1 year for 172 corneal transplant patients with notification in year 2007 is still on going
Figure Graft Success by Gender, Table Graft Success by Gender, MaleFemale Interval (months)No.% successSENo.% successSE Outcome data were not submitted for 192 corneal transplant patients in year , while outcome data at 1 year for 172 corneal transplant patients with notification in year 2007 is still on going.
Table Graft Survival by Age, Interval (months)No.% successSENo.% successSE ≥40 Interval (months)No.% successSENo.% successSE Outcome data were not submitted for 192 corneal transplant patients in year , while outcome data at 1 year for 172 corneal transplant patients with notification in year 2007 is still on going. Figure Graft Survival by Age,
Table : Causes of Graft Failure Total (N=94) No.% Graft Failure9425 Cause of Failure Primary graft failure or Primary Endothelial decompensation1617 Recurrence of primary disease66 Late Endothelial decompensation1920 Glaucoma1314 Infection1819 Graft rejection2223 Others2527 No data89 *Each Patient may have more than one cause of graft failure. 56 patients have 1 cause 28 patients have 2 causes 1 patient has 3 causes 1 patient has 4 causes
Table : Availability of Data on Post Corneal Transplant Unaided Vision Unaided Vision (N =742) No.% Data available Lost to follow up No data Table Unaided Visual Outcome After Cornea Transplant Surgery Reason for graft Optical (228) Non-optical (98) n%n% Vision better Vision same Vision worse Not known* * Either pre op vision and/or post op vision is not available Figure Unaided Visual Outcome After Corneal Transplant Surgery
Table Unaided Vision for Optical and Non Optical Cases Optical Non Optical VisionGraft Survival (192) Graft Failure (36) Graft Survival (58) Graft Failure (40) n%n%n%n% 6/18 or Better /24 – 6/ Less than 6/ Data not available Figure Cumulative Probability for Unaided Vision in Grafts
Table 2.5.1: Post Transplant Complications One year outcome (N=275) 2 nd year outcome (N=72) 3 rd year outcome (N=26) 4 th year outcome (N=5) Total (N=378) No.% % % % % Any complications Complication Epithelial Problem Wound Dehiscence Suture infiltration / abscess Endophthalmitis Microbial keratitis Vascularisation Post-keratoplasty glaucoma Graft Rejection No data * Each patient may have more than one complication Table 2.5.2: Post Transplant Graft Rejection Types One year outcome (N=275) 2 nd year outcome (N=72) 3 rd year outcome (N=26) 4 th year outcome (N=5) Total (N = 378) No.% % % % % Graft Rejection Types Epithelial Stromal Endothelial No data * Each patient may have more than one type of rejection