EE 309 Signal and Linear System Analysis Course Overview and Introduction Mon 29 August EE 309 Signal and Linear System Analysis Slide 1 of 14
Course Overview Mon 29 August EE 309 Signal and Linear System Analysis Course Web Page: Directly: Canvas Canvas Required Textbook: "Engineering Signals and Systems, 2nd Edition" by Fawwaz T. Ulaby and Andrew E. YagleEngineering Signals and Systems, 2nd Edition Software/Hardware Usage: MATLAB software and digilent Analog Discovery H/W MATLABAnalog Discovery Pre-Requisite: EE 223 and MA 345 Slide 2 of 15
Course Overview Mon 29 August EE 309 Signal and Linear System Analysis Lectures: M/W/F 3:00 pm to 3:50 pm in KEC 130 Labs: Tuesday 2:50 to 4:05 pm in Bldg P17 Rm. 147 Instructor: Dr. Stephen Bruder Dr. Stephen Bruder Office: King Eng. Rm. 108 Office Hours: MTWF am and MWF pm NO Lab this week Slide 3 of 15 Lab starts on Tuesday 06 Sept
Course Overview Mon 29 August Course Description: This course includes discussions of signals and systems, convolution, continuous time signals, spectra of continuous time signals, time-domain and spectral analysis of continuous time signals, Laplace transforms, discrete time signals, spectra of discrete time signals, time-domain and spectral analysis of discrete time signals, and the Z- transform. EE 309 Signal and Linear System Analysis Slide 4 of 15
Course Overview Mon 29 August Course Objectives: Provide students with a basic understanding of how signals and linear systems interact Examine both continuous and discrete signals Analyze both continuous and discrete systems Lay the foundation for further studies in control, communications, signal processing, etc Grading Scheme: Homework Assignments20% Two Mid-Term Exams30% Final Exam30% Labs20% EE 309 Signal and Linear System Analysis Slide 5 of 15
Course Overview Mon 29 August Grading Scheme: Weekly homework assignments: 20 %homework o Due in-class (typically Monday) Two Mid-Term exams (Open book/notes): 30 % o Mid-Term exam #1: Friday, Sept 30 th (cumulative) o Mid-Term exam #2: Friday, Nov 4 th (cumulative) Final Exam (Open book/notes): 30 % o Saturday 10 th December 8:00 am to 10:00 am Labs: 20 % o Eleven lab experiments EE 309 Signal and Linear System Analysis Slide 6 of 15
Academic Integrity/Conduct Mon 29 August Embry-Riddle is committed to maintaining and upholding intellectual integrity. All students, faculty, and staff have obligations to prevent violations of academic integrity and take corrective action when they occur. The adjudication process will include the sanction imposed on students who commit the following academic violations, which may include a failing grade on the assignment, a failing grade for the course, suspension, or dismissal from the University. 1.Plagiarism: Presenting as one’s own the ideas, words, or products of another. Plagiarism includes use of any source to complete academic assignments without proper acknowledgment of the source. 2.Cheating is a broad term that includes the following: Giving or receiving help from unauthorized persons or materials during examinations. The unauthorized communication of examination questions prior to, during, or following administration of the examination. Collaboration on examinations or assignments expected to be individual work. Fraud and deceit, which include knowingly furnishing false or misleading information or failing to furnish appropriate information when requested, such as when applying for admission to the University. EE 309 Signal and Linear System Analysis Slide 7 of 15
Course Outline Mon 29 August Course Description Continuous time: o Signals: – Properties, transformations, … – Basic types: Impulse, step, ramp, … – Fourier series – Sampling theorem o Linear Systems: – Response, properties, – Convolution, Laplace Transform, Fourier transform, transfer function, – Parseval’s theorem EE 309 Signal and Linear System Analysis Slide 8 of 15
Course Outline Mon 29 August Course Description Discrete time: o Signals: – Nyquist theorem and aliasing – Properties, transformations, … – Difference equations o Linear Systems: – Response, properties, – Discrete Convolution, Z-Transform, Discrete Fourier transform, discrete transfer function, … – Filters EE 309 Signal and Linear System Analysis Detailed Class Schedule: (from webpage)webpage Detailed Class Schedule: (from webpage)webpage Slide 9 of 15
Introduction to Signals & Systems Mon 29 August EE 309 Signal and Linear System Analysis What is a signal? A signal can be a waveform which contains information o A force produced by an engine acting on a car o A voltage signal into (or out from) a circuit o An acoustic pressure wave incident on your eardrum Physical units of a signal depend on the area of application o E.g., V, mA, m/sec, Pa, C, … Typically, signals vary with time (independent variable) Classification of Signals: o Signals can be causal, continuous, discrete, digital, periodic, … ECG Signal Slide 10 of 15
Introduction to Signals & Systems Mon 29 August EE 309 Signal and Linear System Analysis What is a System? A system is a process or device that accepts an input signal to produce an output signal A system modifies or transforms signals o E.g., A microphone converts a sound pressure signal into an electrical signal Slide 11 of 15
Types of Signals Continuous vs Discrete vs Digital Mon 29 August EE 309 Signal and Linear System Analysis Causal vs Noncausal Causal Signal: Does NOT start before time t = 0 Noncausal Signal: Can start before time t = 0 Slide 12 of 15
Types of Signals Continuous vs Discrete vs Digital Mon 29 August EE 309 Signal and Linear System Analysis Slide 13 of 15
Types of Signals Continuous vs Discrete vs Digital Mon 29 August EE 309 Signal and Linear System Analysis Discrete vs Digital 7 10 = Slide 14 of 15
Next Lecture Mon 29 August EE 309 Signal and Linear System Analysis Signal Transformations Time-shift and time-scaling Reading Assignment: Chap Slide 15 of 15