Qt What is Qt ● Not Apple Quick Time :) ● GUI Toolkit ● General Toolkit ● Multi Platform ●
Qt History ● Haavard Nord & Eirik Chambe-Eng ● 1991 Haavard started coding ● 1993 Eirik got the “Signal & Slot” idea ● 1994 Start two years supported by their wifes ● 1994 Quasar Technologies → Troll Tech → Trolltech ● 1995 First public release
Qt History ● 1995 First public release ● 1996 ESA ● 1998 KDE ● 2001 Qt3 ● 2005 Qt4 ● 2008 Nokia ● 2009 LGPL
Qt Multi Platform ● Windows ● Linux (+ many UNIX:es) ● OS X ● Symbian ● Maemo
Qt Installing LGPL Download Qt SDK for Windows* (283 MB)
Qt First Task Install Qt SDK (Qt libraries, mingw, gcc, gdb, QtCreator)
Qt Task Nr2 Run Example: Basic Layouts
Qt Task 3 1) Look up Qlabel in the Help 2) Find out what function to call to set add a text to a label.
Qt Task 4 Create a Hello World from scratch with QtCreator -Qt Gui Application - Qwiget as Base Class not QmainWindow -With or without.ui file
Qt Task 5 Create a Hello World from scratch without QtCreator -create the project file with 'qmake -project' in the the Qt command prompt -make a copy of mingw32-make named 'make' for convenience.
Qt Task 6 Install Notepad++
Qt Task 7 Create a Hello World from scratch without QtCreator -create the project file with 'qmake -project' in the the Qt command prompt -make a copy of mingw32-make named 'make' for convenience.