GI10: GEO-VENER Vision for Energy Initiative Review Team: Mark Reichardt, Lead Tim Haigh, Reviewer Thierry Ranchin, Reviewer
Background Contribute to GEO Energy and Minerals Resources SBA and Energy SDG7 –Support the development of Earth observation products and services for energy management. –Consider information to support end-to-end energy production systems (including planning, generation, transmission, distribution, and integrated operations). –Promote collaboration between users and providers of Earth observation and information. –Encourage the use of Earth observation and information for informed renewable energy policy planning in developing and developed countries. Initial Focus on Renewal Energy (RE)
Objectives Pursue expansion of current Renewable Energies Essential Variables (RE-EV) to apply to all forms of RE Conduct Gap Analysis – RE community observation requirements, ongoing research, GEOSS discovery and broker analysis Development of in-situ meta networks for RE Build on (GEOSS community portal) as the focal point for RE
Evaluation Proposal includes: –Well defined objectives –Strong and diverse team /ongoing initiatives –Near term initiatives largely cited as resourced Proposal lacks –Discussion and detail for governance and management processes, –Long term resource identification and commitment –Detail on user community engagement and implementation. –These are promised to be detailed for PB review by the end of 2017 Recommend proposers consider –going forward in near term as CA, with time to address governance, and other issues noted above –Revise and re-submit as a more tightly scoped GI with a limited set of use cases per review team recommendations
GI17- Global Urban Observation and Information Review Team: Mark Reichardt, Lead David Halpern, Reviewer (Amon Murwira, Reviewer)
Background GI17 stated goals: 1.Improving the coordination of urban observations, monitoring, forecasting, and assessment initiatives worldwide; 2.Supporting the development of a global urban observation and analysis system; 3.Producing up-to-date information on the status and development of the urban system - from local to global scale; 4.Filling existing gaps in the integration of global urban observation with data that characterize urban ecosystems, environment, air quality and carbon emission, indicators of population density, environmental quality, quality of life, and the patterns of human environmental and infectious diseases 5.Developing innovative techniques in support of effective and sustainable urban development
Evaluation Comprehensive proposal. well defined and diverse team, deliverables, defined schedule and resource definition, governance and risk management. Evaluation Comments: Improvement in proposal could be strengthened by further describing: How the diversity of co-leads and contributors and projects would create new knowledge to fill the gaps in the integration of Earth observations (EO), which is a proposal objective The role of models or other methodology to support the integration of Earth observations The integration with local and regional in-situ observation assets The roles of predictive models, such as plume models, to forecast environmental conditions in urban areas with a variety of landscapes The user community Linkage to smart city indicators