Open Access Yvonne Desmond DIT Library Services
The Open Access Debate Publishers O/A
Network of Repositories Institutional Support Funder Mandates Impact as metric Open licensing
DCU DIT RCSI UCD WIT DKIT UCC NUI M UL MI DBS NUI G Marine I HSE Teagasc Connaught / Ulster Alliance (ITS, LKIT, GMIT) Ireland’s Open Access Repository Network Greater discoverability Higher impact All research outputs Harvested Ireland’s OA Repository network: 18+ institutions All universities, many other research institutes National Open Access Portal: RIAN ( ) – RIAN: Higher Education Authority- funded Searched TCD
Library Led Publishing Institutional Repositories
Why do Libraries publish? Service to staff and students Research expertise Research to Society Emerging field, small societies, local/regional interest IR/Viable publishing model
Why do libraries publish? A service to faculty and students Emphasize research expertise Serve an unmet need –Emerging fields, small societies, humanities, regional interest A viable publishing model University Press Available at no cost to end user Low cost to produce May or may not be peer reviewed Available electronically Multi media/Interactive Global market Trying to be fleet, flexible and out there
Content Books Presentations Reports Symposia Theses Faculty papers Data Textbooks Student Works Museum Special Collections Alumni Journals Oral History Galleries
Open Access Journals Academic Freedom Emerging Areas Student/Faculty Interdisciplinary areas Rise of predatory journals (2012) Jeffrey Beal Scholarly Open Access –
Lectures Lecture series with introductory text from the professor A lecture and visitor comments, both embedded on the page
OA Publishing Low cost model/Quality control Showcase teaching/research Academic Freedom Students/co-researchers Societal Impact Partner with the Library