Employment HIT Recruitment and Placement Coordinator – Networking – Relationship building Focus on incumbent workers Job Service – WIA approved Campus Career Services Offices – Job board – Assistance with job-seeking skills Resumes Interviews
EMPLOYMENT SUPPORT STRATEGY Working with and requesting that each unemployed student register with REACH of ND/MN to try to obtain practicum opportunities. In addition, we are working directly with the ND REACH Regional Coordinator as well as with the ND HIT Reach Consultant to provide internships throughout the state of North Dakota. Contacting facilities across the state of North Dakota to try to provide internships for our students. Working with members of our Health IT advisory board to provide internships throughout the state of North Dakota. Continually searching out and ing job announcements to our unemployed students to encourage them to apply for employment opportunities related to Health IT. Have encouraged our students to post their resumes on the HIMSS Job Mine web site. Plan to visit with our campus Placement Coordinator regarding employment opportunities when she returns to contract status this fall.
Montana Tech Montana Tech has a high placement rate with Health Care Informatics graduates and certificate completers. The Regional Extension Center (REC) is hiring graduates and completers who are able to travel throughout Montana and Wyoming. The current strategy is to focus on incumbent workers in organizations that are in the process of or getting ready to implement electronic health record systems.
Employment Support Strategy for ONC Learners Promoting jobs and job links on our LinkedIn EMR Programs Students and Alumni Group site and the Idaho Dept. of Labor LinkedIn site. Presentations made to the Idaho Health IT Forum which consists of representatives from all major healthcare facilities and associations throughout the state of Idaho. Students are encouraged to post their resumes on HIT Job Board. Approximately 77% of students are incumbent healthcare workers. We continue to assist program completers with job placement as opportunities arise.
Employment Support Strategies Grant partnered with Employment Support Teams at two locations to provide suite of services. Candidates: Create/Improve Resume & On-line reputation Join: – HIMSS – Daily PCC Job Listing (IT and HIT) – Weekly HIT Job Club Attend Monthly Employer Networking Events
Employment Strategies Statewide Placement Coordinator Services to all college HIT graduates include: o Conduct regional networking events and job search seminars o Send blasts on HIT jobs and upcoming events o Training on social media sites and job searches o Identify internship opportunities
Employment Support Strategy Personalized and group assistance from Recruitment/ Employment Specialist, including Resume Writing, Job Leads, Mock Interviews Employment Resource Manual / Resume E-Book Placement in Internships/ Job Shadows, partnered with REC Support Program, updating job openings Contact Information for HR Departments Connection to Linked In via SLCC, NWIT Access to existing SLCC Student Employment Services, including Job Skills Workshops and Resume Writing
Employment Support Strategies Resume development LinkedIn consultations Workshops (resume, LinkedIn, networking, social media, interviewing) Networking events (HIMSS, CHITA, etc.) Internships for clinical and EMR experience
Resumes, Linkedin and Twitter Oh my! Job Search Workshop for HIT By : Yvette Herrera-Greer, PHR Health IT Talent Specialist Health IT Consortium at Bellevue College
Common grad question Where do I start? – Look at indeed.com Plug in keywords – EMR, health IT, etc. Is this something you want to do everyday? How can you use your skills now to do that? Who is in that industry now? – Look at linkedin – research tool Read up on current people in the industry – what do they say about what they do.
Many roads can lead to a job (take them all) – Optimizing Linkedin Profiles + keywords = being found NW group tap into the members of this group or other groups that are Health IT or EMR related Research – jobs, companies, who works there now and their background – Twitter Twitter.com/HITBellevue – Networking – associations – host a meeting
Resume Exercise Welcome Recruiters – what do you see?
Resume Alignment Does the resume fit the job description? Resume exercise – Work in pairs – Resume checklist
Linkedin Poll: Resume length should be limited to how many pages? Results 91 (7%) 291 (22%) 192 (14%) 754 (57%)
Resume and Cover letter tips Make it easy for the employer – Resume in pdf format (most universal) – Name the file name_resume_excellent_EMR_Analyst – Cover letter in the body of the plus attached resume Brevity – why I want to work for you, what sets me apart No ‘sir or madam’ in cover letters
Internships - brainstorming What strategies are you using to obtain internships? Are you placing one intern at a time? – Considered a team approach? REC involvement Going out to smaller organizations (long term care facilities, smaller clinics, non-profit community)
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