By: Justin Ridings and Ryan Kelly Summer Bridge 2011 Dr. Tashakkori, Dr. Bennett, Dr. Kurtz, Dr. Burris, Dr. Palmer Mrs. Genie Griffon, Mr. Tyler Bradley, Mr. Joe Castonguay, and Mr. Lee Withers
The illegal drug trade has been around since prohibition laws. Illicit drugs are a global market responsible for huge capital. Even though the drug trade is under ground it effects everyone. Would it just be easier if drugs were legal? THE ILLEGAL DRUG TRADE
Also called Weed, is grown and distributed globally. The most widely used illegal drug in the world. Was brought to America during the Columbian exchange, and banned for recreational use in the early 1900’s Marijuana Also called Coke or the White Pony, cocaine is mainly distributed from S.A. centrally Columbia. Emerged in the 60’s, but didn’t explode until the early 70’s Comes in two forms; snortable and smokable Cocaine Is mainly distributed from Asia, specifically the Golden Triangle. Wasn’t synthesized until 1919 by Japanese chemist Nagayoshi Nagai Got its start in the US during the second World War Meth
USERSNON USERS Pay taxes to prevent the use of illicit drugs and keep offenders in jail Are forced to watch the effect of drugs endanger people they know and love The illegal drug trade is responsible for thousands of innocent lives lost per year. Bad for health Get a sense of satisfaction for breaking the law Cost a lot of money that many users do not have Can have legal charges brought against
Mexican Cartels Uncontrollable Have caused entire police agencies to quit. Chinese Triads Responsible for missing public figures Worlds central supplier of opiates. Columbian Cocaine lords Generate billions of US dollars each year in revenue Are responsible for the most cocaine imported worldwide to the US
PROS Lower crime rate among users Government could enlist an agency to tax them Could lead to America becoming an export country again CONS Higher crime rateMore car accidentsSubstance abuseDomestic violence Bad environment for children to grow up in Would be able to use police in assisting people who need help for more dangerous crimes than posession
ns_of_mexican_drug_cartel_01.jpg "History of Cocaine Use in the United States." Neurosoup: Entheogens, Drugs, Consciousness Exploration, Spirituality. Web. 03 Aug "History of Methamphetamine - Methamphetamine Treatment." Methamphetamine Treatment - Meth Rehab Info, Statistics, & Help. Web. 03 Aug Meth History. Web.. Reston, James Jr. "The Goalie and the Drug Lord." Esquire May-June 1996: Print. Shannon, Elaine. "They Can Still Get It for You Wholesale." Times July-Aug. 1997: 12+. Print. Vaughn, Michael G. "Is Crack Cocaine Use Associated with Greater Violence than Powdered Cocaine Use? Results from a National Sample." The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse 186th ser (2010): 1-3. Print. Zhang, Xin. "Is the Opium War a Defining Moment in Chinese History?" Modern China Studies 2010: Web.
We would like to thank Dr. Tashakkori, Dr. Bennett, Dr. Burris, Dr. Palmer, Mrs. Genie Griffon, Mr. Tyler Bradley, Mr. Joe Castonguay, and Mr. Lee Withers for their dedication to helping us throughout this program. We would also like to thank the National Science foundation for their endorsement to our program.