Federal Education Update: Funding, Reauthorization, & Waivers.


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Presentation transcript:

Federal Education Update: Funding, Reauthorization, & Waivers

Key Dates October 1 st – Start of New Fiscal Year November 6 – Elections November 16 – Dec 15 Lame Duck December 31 - “Bush-era Tax Cuts” Payroll Tax cut – Teacher tax credit – all scheduled to revert January 2 – Sequestration January 3 rd – New Congress convenes January 19 th – Inauguration

Outline of Key Points Sequestration Continuing Resolution – March 27, 2013 Reauthorization  ESEA  WIA  IDEA  Higher Ed Administration's initiatives: Waivers, Race to the Top, I3 Looking ahead...Red/Blue/Purple

Pressures waivers CCSSCCSS $$$

Funding - Sequestration Fiscal Cliff – Sequestration & Tax increases Deficit reduction – sequestration  Military  Non-defense discretionary  Mandatory January 2  Advanced funded programs – Deputy Secretary Letter July 2013

Who gets cut New report from White House – based on assumed FY 12 levels for FY 13 – 8.2% Very little room for interpretation -  Impact Aid – January 2, 2013  Everything but Pell – July 2013 Program, Project, Activity levels (PPA)

Continuing Resolution Continuing Resolution – spending plan and also “riders” Small increases % One piece a report concerning Highly Qualified teachers – December 31, 2013

Reauthorizations Workforce Investment Act Elementary and Secondary Education Act Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Higher Education Act Several Changes in Senate Senior Staff levels since Senate Committee Action on ESEA How do waivers effect transition from NCLB?

Waivers Administration action to change impact of NCLB Expecting 35ish states to have waivers Eleven key requirements  Teacher & Principal evaluations using student data  College- and Career-Ready Standards  Data based change Republicans view the use of waivers for this level of change as an abuse of power

Predictions And the margin of error is….

Blue vs Red (As compared to now and each other.) Red  Much more local flexibility  Fewer categorical programs  Programs to impact teacher & principal knowledge  Vouchers/Portability Blue  Specific categories – Disadvantaged, disabled, language minorities  Early childhood & graduation rates  Eco-system (Program rich/system poor)

Purple Data based decision making Integration of key IDEA issues into ESEA Charters Integration of technology Use of competitive applications Less new money and more spending cuts Accountability to...

More information International Reading Association – – – Annual Meeting – San Antonio, TX April 19 – 22, 2013