Respiratory Health INSERT PRESENTER INFORMATION HERE Living a Good Life: Finding Your Purpose Living a Good Life: Finding Your Purpose
Introducing the concept of Total Health Defining Purpose…as it relates to Me, My Work and My Community 7 Principles of Purpose Being the Best You – Motivation & Success – Actualization The Importance of Giving Back Agenda
Total Health Personal CommunityWorkplace Dimensions of Health
Purpose n. 1.the reason for which something exists or is done, made, used intended or desired result; end; aim; goal 3.determination; resoluteness
Finding Your Purpose Personal What do I love? What drives me? Be the BEST me Work Skills & Abilities? Business need? Drive to Mastery Community What’s my passion? Who needs help? Take Action
Purpose Seven Principles of Purpose 1.Resilience – Overcome and bounce back from stress, negativity, failure 2.Passion – Being honest with ourselves. What do I truly love? 3.Motivation – The reason/s I want to do something. The Why? 4.Vulnerability – Facing fears and being okay with mistakes 5.Altruism – Having a sense of wanting to help. My cause. 6.Action – Moving beyond thinking. Taking the first step. Trying. 7.Legacy – How do I want to be remembered? What am I leaving behind?
Success n. 1.the act of getting or achieving wealth, respect, or fame 2.the correct or desired result of an attempt 3.someone or something that is successful : a person or thing that succeeds
Motivation n. 1.the act or process of giving someone a reason for doing something : the act or process of motivating someone 2.the condition of being eager to act or work : the condition of being motivated 3.a force or influence that causes someone to do something
The Motivation – Success Link Finding motivation through real honesty Better to be motivated by Growth than Need The KEY to success is staying motivated – Remind yourself WHY. Always. Everyday. Success builds confidence. Confidence causes success. It’s a cycle. Once you succeed, you want to succeed again.
Motivation & Rewards Knowing there is payoff helps maintain motivation Rewards are subjective. Everyone’s incentive is different. Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic reward: Inner/personal satisfaction vs. monetary or tangible award. Rewards should link to our motivation. “…all I got was this t-shirt. But that was everything !” - Dr. John Shively on his first ‘Iron Man’ completion
Goals Success is reached by achieving goals. Find your motivation. Then set goal. Why do I want to do this? Set realistic goals. Consider lifestyle, time constraints, means, etc. Helps to set smaller goals within the larger goal. Baby steps! If at first you don’t succeed, do NOT give up! Set a smaller goal, try again.
Be the Best You Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Need (1948)
Self-Actualization Occurs when basic needs are met Desire for self-fulfillment; reaching full potential Life is a journey, not a destination Discovery and a need for growth is present throughout a person’s life. Marked by high sense of morality, reality, honesty Actualization will vary among people, based on unique desires, motivation, purpose Can be defined by culture, spirituality
The Importance of Giving Back Part of actualization and purpose is a willingness and ability to help others – Altruism* Volunteering benefits both ourselves and our communities Brings a sense of worth and belonging Gives us perspective, insight Link between volunteering and health
14. What Volunteers are Saying United Health Group 2013 Health and Volunteering Giving Back
15. Is there something specific you want to do? …to make it better around where I live …to meet people who are different from me …to try something new …to do something with my spare time …to see a different way of life and new places …to have a go at the type of work I might want to do as a full-time job …to do more with my interests and hobbies …to do something I’m good at Source: World Volunteer Web Tips for Getting Started Volunteering Giving Back
How Do I Know if it’s Right for Me?