Open Office Writer Section 01 - Formatting Document Prepared by: IT Group
Contents A. Format Document Problem B. Solution
A. Format Document Problem Create a document with name: FormatProblem.odt, then format it as below:
B. Solution 1. Creating Document 2. Saving Document 3. Inputting Raw Data 4. Align Formatting 5. Character Formatting
1. Creating Document Start menu > Open 2.4 > Writer
2. Saving Document Menu File > Save as..
3. Inputting Raw Data
4. Align Formatting 4.1. Using Center Alignment 4.2. Using Right Alignment
4.1. Using Center Alignment High light the text which need to be applied center align > click Centered Button
4.2. Using Right Alignment High light the text which need to be applied right align > click Align Right Button
5. Character Formatting 5.1. Using Size Formatting 5.2. Using Bold Formatting 5.3. Using Italic Formatting 5.4. Using Underline Formatting 5.5. Using Font Formatting 5.6. Using Color Formatting
5.1. Using Size Formatting
5.2. Using Bold Formatting
5.3. Using Italic Formatting
5.4. Using Underline Formatting
5.5. Using Font Formatting First paragraph: Times New Roman font Second paragraph: Arial font Third paragraph: Tahoma font Fourth paragraph: Book Antiqua font
5.6. Using Color Formatting For first paragraph, we use Green 2 color. For second paragraph, we use Green 7 color. For third paragraph, we use Chart 9 color. For fourth paragraph, we use Blue 4 color.