THE LATIN AMERICAN BIOLOGICAL DOSIMETRY NETWORK(LBDNet) O. García Centro de Protección e Higiene de las Radiaciones La Habana Cuba International Conference on Global Emergency Preparedness and Response19–23 October 2015Vienna Austria 1
LBDNet Background International Conference on Global Emergency Preparedness and Response19–23 October 2015Vienna Austria 2 The LBDNet was formally founded in 2007 Main topics considered in the foundational document of the LBDNet are presented here. Previous attempts: ARCAL I Radiation Protection Societies ARCAL XXXVII project Regional Workshop on the ISO Havana Cuba. October 29 - November 2 – Regional Workshop on TECDOC-260 & 405, and ISO 19238:2004. Regional IAEA project “Strengthening of National Capabilities for Response to Radiation Emergencies”(RLA/9/054)
LBDNet Mission International Conference on Global Emergency Preparedness and Response19–23 October 2015Vienna Austria 3 The LBDNet mission is to provide early biological dosimetry assistance in case of radiation emergencies in the Latin American region.
LBDNet Objectives International Conference on Global Emergency Preparedness and Response19–23 October 2015Vienna Austria 4 1.To strength the service capacities of biological dosimetry laboratories existing in the region. 2.To provide support to other Latin American countries without biological dosimetry laboratories. 3.To work cooperatively and articulately with other international networks.
LBDNet Partners International Conference on Global Emergency Preparedness and Response19–23 October 2015Vienna Austria 5 * Laboratories from Bolivia, Costa Rica, Paraguay, Venezuela and an associated laboratory from Brazil recently joined the LBDNet activities. The LBDNet is a consortium of reference laboratories. The integration is based on a voluntary and consensual participation of laboratories qualified in biological dosimetry. Representation of laboratories is institutional, not personal. All the laboratories of the network are working within national emergency response systems.
LBDNet Concept of operation International Conference on Global Emergency Preparedness and Response19–23 October 2015Vienna Austria 6 In normal situations each laboratory of the network has the same hierarchical level. During emergency situations the activities within the LBDNet are performed as recommended by the ISO guidelines. The laboratories of the LBDNet give support to national radiation- protection programmes and emergency response schemes.
LBDNet Concept of operation International Conference on Global Emergency Preparedness and Response19–23 October 2015Vienna Austria 7 The network is activated when the number of cases for examination is above the coordinating laboratory’s workload. The network uses the activation and communication mechanisms of the National Emergency Response Systems. Biological dosimetry using the dicentric assay. Technical procedures based on ISO and IAEA’s manual on biodosimetry.
LBDNet Concept of operation International Conference on Global Emergency Preparedness and Response19–23 October 2015Vienna Austria 8 Cases exceed operational capabilities National Emergency Response Systems Accident Country with BD Laboratory Country without BD Laboratory RANET IAEA-IEC WHO- BioDoseNet Bilateral Agreement ARN Argentina ARN Argentina Define Coordinating laboratory LBDNet Activation Network laboratories Results & Reports
LBDNet Concept of operation International Conference on Global Emergency Preparedness and Response19–23 October 2015Vienna Austria 9 Some laboratories in the region, before or after the LBDNet foundation, have participated in biological dose assessment during different accidents/*incidents. 1.Goiania, Brasil, (1987) 2.El Salvador (1989) 3.Yanango, Peru (2000) 4.Cochabamba, Bolivia (2002) 5.Nueva Aldea, Chile(2005) 6.Venezuela ( )* 7.Ecuador (2009), 8.El Salvador (2009) 9.Venezuela (2010) 10.Peru (2014) 11.Mexico (2014)
Operational capabilities* of LBDNet International Conference on Global Emergency Preparedness and Response19–23 October 2015Vienna Austria 10 Human resources: From 1 up to 5 specialists/laboratory. Experience in cytogenetic: First BD Lab founded in Majority of members more than 20 years of experience. Calibration curves (dicentric assay ): In all LBDNet’s laboratories using gamma radiation. For different radiation qualities up to 4 in one laboratory of the region. Equipment: Only four labs had an automated metaphase localization system to assist in the analyses. * Regular update Quality Management Systems: One laboratory accredited under ISO 17025:2005. (ARN-Argentina) Another has implemented the standard.(CPHR-Cuba)
LBDNet activities International Conference on Global Emergency Preparedness and Response19–23 October 2015Vienna Austria 11 First intercomparison (1)* Organized and performed in the framework of the IAEA Regional Project - RLA/9/ Latin American laboratories and 6 from Europe. Significant aspect: the results were assessed by applying a statistical approach based on ISO standards (ISO 13528/ 2005 & ISO/IEC 43-1 /1997). (1)Biological Dosimetry Intercomparison Exercise: An evaluation of Triage and Routine Mode Results by Robust Methods Radiation Research 175, 638–649 (2011). * First regional intercomparison published in 1995 Mut. Res 327 (33-39) ARCAL I Project
LBDNet activities International Conference on Global Emergency Preparedness and Response19–23 October 2015Vienna Austria 12 Second intercomparison (2) Organized and performed in in the framework IAEA Regional Project - RLA/9/ LBDNet´s laboratories, 3 associated laboratories and 3 from Europe. Significant aspect: Dicentric telescoring and results evaluated by robust methods (ISO 13528/ 2005 & ISO/IEC 43-1 /1997). (2) Interlaboratory comparison of dicentric chromosome assay using electronically transmitted images. Radiat Prot Dosimetry; 154, 18–25 (2013).
LBDNet activities International Conference on Global Emergency Preparedness and Response19–23 October 2015Vienna Austria 13 Additionally the LBDNet has organized : ShipEx -1 (Peru -2009)-Joint IAEA, PAHO and WHO International Exercise.(shipment of blood samples ) Two harmonization workshops to standardize scoring criteria for the PCC-r assay. PCC-r Intercomparison exercise. (unpublished -results under discussion).
Conclusions International Conference on Global Emergency Preparedness and Response19–23 October 2015Vienna Austria 14 The LBDNet activities allowed the region to develop tools for an effective and coordinated response in cases of radiological or nuclear emergencies. The LBDNet and the future: Integration of research activities. Introduction of other techniques. Periodic intercomparison. Regular funding. Strong links with national and international emergency response systems.
Acknowledgments/ Funding International Conference on Global Emergency Preparedness and Response19–23 October 2015Vienna Austria 15 The LBDNet activities were supported by the International Atomic Energy Agency Projects RLA/9/054,RLA/9/061, and RLA/9/074 Strengthening National Systems for Preparedness and Response to Nuclear and Radiological Emergencies. The last network meeting was supported with funding by the European Union. “The views expressed in this presentation do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission..”