Capabilities and Programmes of STFC’s Accelerator Science & Technology Centre (ASTeC)


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Presentation transcript:

Capabilities and Programmes of STFC’s Accelerator Science & Technology Centre (ASTeC)

Contents Introduction STFC, ASTeC & Cockcroft Designing and delivering accelerators World-class Infrastructures Underpinning R&D Working with Industry Collaborations Summary 2

STFC Science and Technology Large Scale Facilities –Synchrotron radiation –Neutron scattering –Central laser facilities Technological resource centres –High performance computing and e-science –Space science and technology –Nuclear physics –Accelerator Science and Technology (ASTeC) Staff based at Daresbury and Rutherford Laboratories –Engineering and Instrumentation 3

ASTeC Programmes National design studies Future light sources and ISIS upgrade International design studies Linear colliders and neutrino factories Test facilities ALICE, EMMA, FETS, MICE, EBTF, CLARA Underpinning R&D Superconducting RF and cryogenics Injectors and high brightness electron beams Vacuum science Magnets and free electron lasers Collaborations & knowledge exchange activities 4

Some Highlights Diamond Light Source design ALICE – First energy recovery accelerator in Europe Lead contribution to New Light Source design study –Novel design and technology EMMA – World’s first non-scaling FFAG –Accelerator design, construction and commissioning 5

Controls Engineering Electrical Engineering Design Engineering Mechanical Engineering Instrumentation Technical services (Vac, survey.....) ASTeC Department Skill Base ASTeC RF & Diagnostics Development of RF, Diagnostic, Cryogenic and Laser Systems Accelerator Physics Develop and commission accelerators Photonics Photon Source Development & Exploitation Vacuum Science Design and deliver large, complex vacuum systems Magnetics & Radiation Sources Magnet design, testing and FELs Programme & Project Management


ALICE/EMMA: Test Facilities for Science and Innovation ALICE: A national accelerator Test Facility that combines techniques of lasers and electron beams and is a technology prototype for the Superconducting linear accelerator for future light sources EMMA: A scaled electron model of a Fixed Field Alternating Gradient (FFAG) Synchrotron for future applications in Science, Cancer Therapy and Energy 8



Mechanical Design & Assembly Examples of electromagnets, permanent magnet quadrupoles and undulators – all designed in-house 11


Assembly Facilities at Daresbury Laboratory 13

SRF Structure Vertical Test Stretched Wire Characterisation Perturbation Measurement 14

Vacuum Metrology Outgassing Characterisation 15

Magnetic Measurement Laboratory Extremely accurate field measurements over large volume utilising several techniques Very flexible laboratory space 16


Project Description Objective: To provide a suite of accelerator testing facilities which can be utilised in partnership with industry, academic and scientific collaborators. Scope: The provision of a common high performance and flexible injector facility comprising an RF gun, associated RF power systems, beam diagnostics and manipulators, a high power photo-injector driver laser and associated enclosures. Costs: £2.5M capital direct from UK government has been assigned for this facility. This investment will be supplemented by £0.5M from STFC. Timescales: Project started August 2011, purchase the majority of the equipment in financial year 2011/12, with build in It is planned that first electrons from the facility are delivered in December

RF Modulator RF Waveguide Racks Cable runs Laser Path Laser Table Experimental area 1 Experimental area 2 EBTF Accelerator Implementation

EBTF Accelerator Schematic

Summary ASTeC plays a major role in all of the UK test facilities –ALICE, EMMA, FETS, MICE, EBTF, CLARA ASTeC contains a wide range of skills related to accelerator design and optimisation –RF, Magnets, Vacuum, Beam Dynamics, Diagnostics, FELs, Cryogenics,... ASTeC has made major contributions to all recent UK accelerator initiatives ASTeC has significant electron injector experience –DC photoinjectors, RF photoinjectors, photocathode preparation, photocathode surface physics, space charge modelling, lasers, diagnostics,... 22