INFSO-RI SA2 ETICS2 first Review Valerio Venturi INFN Bruxelles, 3 April 2009 Infrastructure Support
INFSO-RI Bruxelles, 3 AprilWPX WP name Contents Goals Major Achievements Challenges Metrics and Statistics Conclusions
INFSO-RI Bruxelles, 3 AprilWPX WP name Goals 3
INFSO-RI Bruxelles, 3 AprilWPX WP name Support Defining and implementing a support tracking procedures, organizing support shifts and defining escalation procedures to technical experts within the project Provide first level support Track frequently asked questions creating a searchable knowledge base of questions and answers available online.
INFSO-RI Bruxelles, 3 AprilWPX WP name User requirements Collecting and understanding user requirements Assess the requirements and prioritize them according to their relevance and importance Work on the identification of new functionalities to be added to the core services and develop whether possible prototype implementation together with the infrastructure providers in order to validate as early as possible any design assumption
INFSO-RI Bruxelles, 3 AprilWPX WP name New applications Analysis of a meaningful set of applications in existing and new infrastructures, such as those related to the field of the aerospace engineering community and high- performance computing or new EGEE related applications, and the migration of their build, test and validation procedure to ETICS analyses then integration of the ETICS services with existing infrastructure services, such as for example job management and software repository services
INFSO-RI Bruxelles, 3 AprilWPX WP name Job management system integration Analyses then integration of the ETICS services with existing infrastructure services, such as for example job management and software repository services.
INFSO-RI Bruxelles, 3 AprilWPX WP name Evaluation Analysis of the behaviour of the ETICS services 'on the field' with real users
INFSO-RI Bruxelles, 3 AprilWPX WP name Major Achievements 9
INFSO-RI Bruxelles, 3 AprilWPX WP name Established Support Procedures Support procedures fully operative since PM3 First level support provided by SA2 All partners in the activity providing weekly support shifts Working escalation procedures to experts in the project Support portal Online searchable knowledge base of FAQ Narrative articles explaining the use of the system Online documentation Screencast (if we get there)
INFSO-RI Bruxelles, 3 AprilWPX WP name Requirements collected Collected requirements from New applications Aerospace community HPC Current customers EGEE, D4Science End users Requirements prioritized and passed to SA1
INFSO-RI Bruxelles, 3 AprilWPX WP name New applications supported Two new applications supported UNICORE StoRM Work in progress ARC Nordugrid project grid middleware Space Link Extension API Aerospace industry application Contact ongoing with EGEE applications SuperB
INFSO-RI Bruxelles, 3 AprilWPX WP name Job management system integration Completed design for supporting more submission engines ETICS job submission interface designed Near to prototype level for submitters using gLite, slightly behind with UNICORE Prototype expected for PM15 according to the plan in the analysis deliverable DSA2:3 Tested integration in the main services
INFSO-RI Bruxelles, 3 AprilWPX WP name Metrics and Statistics 14
INFSO-RI Bruxelles, 3 AprilWPX WP name Deliverables DSA2:1 User Support Procedures DSA2:2 New infrastructures evaluation plan DSA2:3 Infrastructure services integration - Analysis DSA2:4 Infrastructure services integration – Implementation (Part 1)
INFSO-RI Bruxelles, 3 AprilWPX WP name Quality metrics Average time a ticket is assigned to first-level support 12h (expected 12h) Ratio of tickets sorted out at first-level support 50% (60%) Amount of discussion on mailing lists, forums ? Number of new applications supported 2 (1) Ratio of requirements implements over those collected 0
INFSO-RI Bruxelles, 3 AprilWPX WP name Challenges 17
INFSO-RI Bruxelles, 3 AprilWPX WP name Staffing Activity understaffed for most of the first year
INFSO-RI Bruxelles, 3 AprilWPX WP name Support Giving support to ETICS users is hard, not many tickets, but normally very hard to deal with Smart users, developers and system integrators summing plenty of years in software engineering Most of the people in SA2 'young' to software engineering Knowledge of plenty of different tools in the software engineering field
INFSO-RI Bruxelles, 3 AprilWPX WP name Conclusions 20
INFSO-RI Bruxelles, 3 AprilWPX WP name Conclusions Support procedure established and support portal launched Requirements collected, understood and prioritized Two new applications ported, three work in progress Will have the three european grid middleware using ETICS Integration of other job submission engines on track Will use the European grid infrastructure for ETICS jobs