Department of Aerospace Engineering Introduction of Graduate School September 11 th, 2014
Department of Aerospace Engineering History Open Master’s Courses Open Doctoral Courses Selected to the first stage of Brain Korea21(BK21) Open Integrated master & Doctor Degree Courses Selected to the second stage of Brain Korea21(BK21) Selected to the Specialized field of PNU (Advanced transportation system, machine parts) Selected to the Brain Korea 21 Plus(BK21+) (2013~2019, for 7 years, \350 million a year) Selected to the CK Project(University for Creative Korea) (2014~2018, for 5 years, \420 million a year)
Department of Aerospace Engineering Present Status Cho, Kyeum Rae Flight Guidance Control, Orbit Determination Flight Dynamic Lab. Lee, Dae Woo Space/Flight Dynamics & Re-entry Guidance Control, UAV, Vision Processing Oh, Se jong Development of high lift devices, grid formation approach and numerical analysis method Applied Aerodynamics & Design Lab. Kang, Beom Soo Development of Flexible Forming Technology, Development of Coaxial-Counter Rotating UAV CAE Lab. For Design & Manufacturing Kim, Jeong Structural Analysis and Optimal Design, Numerical Analysis for Hydroforming Process, Development of Forming Process using Electromagnetic Force Kim, Kui soon Analysis for Flow Characteristic of Turbo machinery, Development of Aircraft Heat Exchanger Heat Transfer & Turbo Machinery Lab. Kim, Wie Dae Fatigue, Damage, FEM, Smart Structural Design & Analysis Aircraft Structural Design Lab. Choi, Jeong Yeol Supersonic Propulsion for High Speed Vehicle, LASER Propulsion System,Detonation Phenomenon, High Integrated Parallel Computing Aircraft Propulsion & Combustion Lab. Bernard Parent Weakly-ionized plasmas, MHD; Magneto hydrodynamics, Hypersonic flight vehicles, Computational fluid dynamics methods Weakly-Ionized Airflow Lab.
Department of Aerospace Engineering The Number of Students Year AdmissionAlumni Under graduate MasterDoctor Integrated Master & Doctor Sum Under graduate MasterDoctor Integrated Master & Doctor Sum Averag e Total
Department of Aerospace Engineering Graduate Curriculum Master’s Course : 24 credit hours for 2 years 6 hours of Basic Courses 12 hours of Major Courses ( including general elective subject) 6 hours of Thesis Research 6 hours of Basic Courses 12 hours of Major Courses ( including general elective subject) 6 hours of Thesis Research Doctoral Course : 36 credit hours for 2 years 6 hours of Basic Courses 21 hours of Major Courses ( including general elective subject) 9 hours of Thesis Research 6 hours of Basic Courses 21 hours of Major Courses ( including general elective subject) 9 hours of Thesis Research Integrated Master & Doctoral Course : 60 credit hours for 4 years 15 hours of Basic Courses 33 hours of Major Courses ( including general elective subject) 12 hours of Thesis Research 15 hours of Basic Courses 33 hours of Major Courses ( including general elective subject) 12 hours of Thesis Research ※ The students can register for 9 credit hours in a semester.
Department of Aerospace Engineering Scholarship TypesDetails Teaching Assistant ① All tuition fees (including entrance fee) ② For Type A : 1,500,000 KRW For Type B : 750,000 KRW BK21 project Scholarship ① Master’s Course : 600,000 KRW (monthly) ② Doctoral Course : 1,000,000 KRW (monthly) Outstanding Students All tuition fees ( ≒ 436,000 KRW) Others
Department of Aerospace Engineering BK21Plus+ Project Status ~ ( For 7 Years) Annual Total Expenses : 350 million won Support for students - Scholarship( over 60% : 210 million won ) : 600,000 /m for Master and : 600,000 /m for Master and 1,000,000 /m for Doctoral 1,000,000 /m for Doctoral - Joining expenses at the International Conference - Joining expenses at the International Conference - Publishing expenses of journal or patents - Publishing expenses of journal or patents
Department of Aerospace Engineering 특차모집전기모집후기모집 Application (Web) ( 월 ) ~09.18( 목 ) 18: ( 월 ) ~12.18( 목 ) ( 월 ) ~05.13( 목 ) Oral test ( 금 ) ( 수 ) ( 금 ) Announcement of result ( 화 ) ( 화 ) ( 화 ) Printing bills ( 목 ) 10:00~ 월 Paying tuition ( 목 ) ~02.16( 월 ) ( 목 ) ~02.16( 월 ) 월 Remarks Except for Intergrated Masters & Doctor 2015 Admissions Schedule