Multiply and Divide Integers
Same rules apply for both multiplication and division When both signs are the same – then the answer is positive ++ = + -- = + When one number is positive and the other is negative – then the answer is negative +- = - -+ = -
Rule #1
Rule #2 When one number is positive and the other is negative – then the answer is negative +- = - -+ = - (5)(-3) = -15(-5)(3) = -15
Steps: 1)Multiply or divide like normal 2)Check the signs If both signs are the same – answer is positive If signs are different – answer is negative That’s it!!!!
My examples -5 x -4 (2)(8) -36 ÷ 4 - -
-6 x -4
42 ÷ -7
-5 x -4 x 3
Special Situations with exponents 5 2 or (5) 2 (-5) (-5) 3
Word problems If putting things together = multiply Something happens many times = multiply If taking something apart or separating something = divide Also – watch out for positive or negative words!
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