Sunday Standard & The telegraph journalism of courage PRESENTERS NAME: Ruth Kedikiliwe CATEGORY: MEDIA COE GENDER EQUALITY BY 2015, YES WE MUST! SADC GENDER PROTOCOL SUMMIT
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF MEDIA HOUSE GENDER EQUALITY BY 2015, YES WE MUST! 2 offices in Gaborone 1 office in Francistown. Print media though also available online with daily updates Circulation for Sunday Standard and for the newer Telegraph Single sourced and predominantly. 34 male and 13 female employees Been part of the COE for a year
KEY GENDER CHALLENGES IN THE MEDIA HOUSE GENDER EQUALITY BY 2015, YES WE MUST! The Board consists of 4 men and 1 woman No specific targets have been set regarding the gender balance for 2015 There is no sexual harassment policy There are no specific training programs made to redress gender imbalances There is no internal gender awareness straining Deputy Editor of the Sunday Standard, Spencer Mogapi
GENDER CHAMPIONS GENDER EQUALITY BY 2015, YES WE MUST! There is a gender champion at the Sunday Standard and the Telegraph Newspapers Ruth Kedikilwe Head of Lifestyle, Arts, Society and Entertainment
GENDER CHAMPIONS GENDER EQUALITY BY 2015, YES WE MUST! Sit in the Gender Policy formulation committee Take part in NGOs, private and public causes in advocating for gender mainstreaming Sensitize colleagues in the work place on current affairs Ensure implementation of policies in place Establish internal policies redressing gender issues Batswana women part of the Women in News Program
HOW HAS THE COE PROCESS CONTRIBUTED TO ADDRESSING THE CHALLENGES? GENDER EQUALITY BY 2015, YES WE MUST! The COE is a signatory to the MOU with Gender Links on gender mainstreaming There has been good will from the management regarding the gender mainstreaming process Female journalists are encouraged to work in nontraditional areas. Especially in politics/ business.
HOW HAS THE COE PROCESS CONTRIBUTED TO ADDRESSING THE CHALLENGES? GENDER EQUALITY BY 2015, YES WE MUST! There are targets which have been set to increase the quantity of coverage in gender violence The COE takes part in all commemorations against GBV and publishes articles More women are becoming sources of stories Speaker of National Assembly Dr Nasha recently made Headlines
HOW HAS THE COE PROCESS CONTRIBUTED TO ADDRESSING THE CHALLENGES? GENDER EQUALITY BY 2015, YES WE MUST! The budget for covering is generic and no stories are given preference over another. The self monitoring and evaluation has shown that though strides have been made there is still a lot of room for improvement regarding coverage of women vs. men
HOW IS THE MEDIA HOUSE CONTRIBUTING TOWARDS ACHIEVING THE 28 TARGETS OF THE SADC PROTOCOL? GENDER EQUALITY BY 2015, YES WE MUST! PROTOCOL TARGETCOUNCIL ACTIONS 30(1)a. Promoting pornography and violence against all persons especially men and women Publications have zero tolerance on promotion of pornographic and violence material on all persons 30(1)b. Depicting women as helpless victims of violence and abuse Publications puts more emphasis on rehabilitation of victims and sensitizing the community on where they can get help 30(1) d Reinforcing Gender oppressions and stereotypes Encourages women journalists to take an alternative route when reporting and has men covering gender issues
HOW IS THE MEDIA HOUSE CONTRIBUTING TOWARDS ACHIEVING THE 28 TARGETS OF THE SADC PROTOCOL? GENDER EQUALITY BY 2015, YES WE MUST! PROTOCOL TARGETMEDIA HOUSE ACTIONS 30(2) Give equal voices towards women and men in all areas of coverage Tries to do optimize this target given the current situation of there being more men than women in positions of power thus giving the men an upper hand as sources
IMPACT GENDER EQUALITY BY 2015, YES WE MUST! Reporters being part of organisations advocating for women empowerment like WIN Reporters being invited to join advocacy groups: Youth Matters Through the WIN program had the opportunity of meeting only Woman news Editor in Liberia Wade Williams who is also a champion for equality in the newsroom
CHANGING LIVES GENDER EQUALITY BY 2015, YES WE MUST! Joined the company in 2011 Immediately took interest and started actively participating in gender/ women empowerment issues Was part of the task force drafted Gender Policy document Promoted to be a section head in both the papers Have had an amazing opportunity of meeting and interacting with Cherilyn Ireton: Executive Director of the World Editors Forum
CHALLENGES TO GENDER MAINSTREAMING GENDER EQUALITY BY 2015, YES WE MUST! Having large disparity between women and men journalists in the newsroom Having to deal with an extremely conservative nation who are slowly realising women as equals in society Having few women in top decision making positions in society Botswana not being a signatory to the SADC Gender Protocol and Development
WAY FORWARD GENDER EQUALITY BY 2015, YES WE MUST! Adoption of the Gender policy draft Implementation of the policy Monitoring and evaluation of the conditions and amending as and when the need arises.