Objective: After analyzing oral and written text, students will identify and classify the process of photosynthesis and the related vocabulary by the end of the lesson.
Photosynthesis Essential Question: What is photosynthesis?
Photosynthesis The word photosynthesis can be separated to make two smaller words: - “photo” which means light and “synthesis” which means putting together. Plants create food by putting light together with water and carbon dioxide.
Photosynthesis Photosynthesis (pho·to·syn·the·sis) is the process by which plants make their own food. To make food plants need: carbon dioxide water sunlight
Carbon Dioxide Carbon dioxide (C0 2 ) from the air passes through small pores (holes) in the leaves. These pores are called stomata. Stoma
Water Water (H 2 0) is absorbed by the plan’s roots and passes through vessels in the stem called xylem (zī-lum). The xylem delivers the water to the leaves.
Sunlight Sunlight is absorbed by a green chemical called chlorophyll (klor-uh-fil) in the plant’s leaves. Chlorophyll is found inside tiny structures of the leaves’ cells called chloroplasts (klor-uh-plast). Chlorophyll also gives leaves their green color.
Photosynthesis In the chloroplasts, energy from sunlight is used to convert water and carbon dioxide into glucose (sugar) or food for plants. Oxygen is also produced and it is released from the leaves into the atmosphere. Some of the glucose is used to provide energy for the growth and development of plants while the rest is stored in roots or fruits for later use.
Photosynthesis Illustrated
References otosynthesis-for-kids/