System Virtualization Model and Workgroup Update DMTF System Virtualization Partitioning and Clustering WG Updated: September 18, 2006
October 2, 2016 Page 2 Status and Logistics DMTF Workgroup with strong participation from VMware, Microsoft, IBM, HP, Sun, Symantec, XenSource and others –Weekly calls (Thurs 9 PDT – details on website: Work ongoing to produce CIM model (CIM profile and associated CIM schema changes) for virtual systems and the virtual resources which compose them. –Scope includes partitioned systems –Leverage SMI-S profiles for storage virtualization Deliverables: –Terminology Doc (available now) –CIM schema request for changes (with associated MOF) – target 3Q 2006 –CIM Profiles – in progress, deliver 2006 System Virtualization, Virtual System Resource Allocation, Resource Capabilities abstract profiles “Device” profiles: Processor, Memory, Block back disks, file back disks, Venet, VHBA, Removable Media, Others in second phase –Standards activity will continue through 2006 – goal is to have enough defined to enable implementation begining in 2006
October 2, 2016 Page 3 Virtual Server Model Requirements/Scenarios General Requirements: –Enable management applications which are unaware of virtualization to manage virtual systems, i.e. once a ComputerSystem is created most management operations (list, install, configure) are enabled without requiring the management application to understand virtualization. Make sure appropriate profiles from SMWG, SMI-S and others are applicable –Support the symmetry inherent in multiple layers of virtualization, i.e. a ComputerSystem by addition of virtualization software, could have a role as a “host" for virtual systems. –Model should be general and flexible enough to support known virtualization systems including VMware VMs, Xen, MSVS, zVM/VMGuest, Power LPAR (Logical Partition), Sun PPAR (Physical Partition), HP vPAR (Virtual Partition) and nPar etc. –Support both virtualization and partitioning. ComputerSystem –Enumerate virtual servers, resources, relationships on a particular platform. –Create an LPAR or VM specifying resources (CPU, disk, I/O) that make up the LPAR, and attributes about those resources (shared, virtualized, based on what platform resource) Provide ability for management application to introspect the system at runtime to find out virtualization capabilities and resources supported. Provide appropriate defaults wherever possible –Delete virtual server and return resources to platform. –Given an virtual server (LPAR or VM) change the size of the or modify the resources that compose virtual server. Virtual Server can clearly host different OSs at different points in time. Virtual Resources –Support creation, modification, deletion and inventory of virtual resources –Enable mapping of virtual resources to underlying resources (through as many layers of virtualization as needed) For example: Customer is notified that particular physical disk is receiving intermittent errors. Customer would like to understand which virtual machines would be effected if the disk failed. Virtual System Model Requirements
October 2, 2016 Page 4 Virtualization Profile Structure
October 2, 2016 Page 5 Virtual System Modeling Basics Host System (or Host Computer System) – In a virtualized computer system environment the computer system that contains resources from which Virtual Systems are constructed. Virtual System (or Virtual Computer System) – Computer Systems composed of partitioned, shared or virtualized resources presented from a host system. Terms also used for this concept are Virtual Machine, Hosted Computer, Child Partition, Logical Partition, Domain, Guest.
October 2, 2016 Page 6 Resource Virtualization Basic Principle of System Virtualization modeling –Devices represented by core CIM classes, additional information in associated setting data
October 2, 2016 Page 7 Resource Virtualization Pattern ResourcePool abstracts the resource available to the virtualization layer for assignment or allocation to a hosted computer system –Multiple Resource Pools are supported Composed of subdivided resources (e.g. nodal boundaries in NUMA-like systems) Hierarchical pools for advanced resource management –Virtual Computer System resources are then created/assigned from resource pool on hosting system. –“IsMemberOfPool” Association to component resources –Or ResourcePool may have no member resources (for example a pool that enables creation of virtual Ethernet adapters) ResourceAllocationSettingData represents the assignment of resources to hosted computer system. Specifies amount of resource allocated from Host System, and amount presented to Virtual System –One instance records persisted or recorded state (typically reflecting values in a config file) –One instance records current running values (when resource is allocated) AllocatedFromPool relationship between ResourcePool on hosting system and “VirtualResource” of virtual system
October 2, 2016 Page 8 Applying the Resource Virtualization Pattern We apply this pattern to each of the resource types from the host computer system In each case the host system is represented as a CIM_ComputerSystem, as is each virtual system, with a HostedDependency association between host and virtual system “Virtual” Devices created by virtualization layer modeled as approriate CIM device on the virtual system and associated generally with SystemDevice ResourceAllocationSettingData provides additional virtualization related information about the virtual device
October 2, 2016 Page 9 Hierarchical Resource Pools Two models supported: Intermediate devices or not
October 2, 2016 Page 10 Capabilities and Settings For each resource pool an AllocationCapability instance and a collection of ResourceAllocationSettingData instances provide information about the capabilities of the virtualization layer for the particular resource. AllocationCapability includes information on how resources are allocated from the associated pool SettingsData instances describes values (min, max, default, increment) for allocation of resource from resource pool, and presentation of resource to virtual system –ResourceType, Reservation, Weight, Limit, ResourceUnits, VirtualQuantity, VirtualUnits
October 2, 2016 Page 11 Capabilities and Settings The same pattern is used to describe system defaults and changeability of Virtual System Instance
October 2, 2016 Page 12 Virtual System Model Overview Client can use different portion of the model for different purposes This model is presented by virtualization layer – there may also be instrumentation thru the OS that would present additional information scoped to single virtual system
October 2, 2016 Page 13 Virtual System Lifecycle “Defined” State –Virtual computer system is defined at the virtualization platform, but not yet instantiated. –there is an instance of class CIM_ComputerSystem in this state. –A virtual system in the “Defined” state is not enabled to perform tasks. –Typically in this state the virtual system does not consume any resources “Active” State –Virtual computer system is instantiated at the virtualization platform and its resources are performing tasks. Performing tasks means in particular that virtual processors of the virtual system are scheduled to execute instructions, and other virtual resources are scheduled to perform respective resource type specific tasks. “Paused” State – Optional –Virtual system and virtual resources remain instantiated, host resources remain allocated as in the “Active” state, but virtual system and resources are not enabled to perform tasks. “Suspended” State – Optional –The state of the virtual system and its virtual resources are stored on non- volatile storage. Virtual resources are still represented by instances of CIM_LogicalDevice, but some or all host resources allocated to the virtual resources may have been de-allocated.
October 2, 2016 Page 14 Virtual System Lifecycle
October 2, 2016 Page 15 Virtual System Lifecycle
October 2, 2016 Page 16 Virtual System Lifecycle
October 2, 2016 Page 17 Virtual System Lifecycle: Defined
October 2, 2016 Page 18 Virtual System Lifecycle: Activated
October 2, 2016 Page 19 Networking Systems have internal virtualized network Objective is to leverage existing modeling work as much as possible. First phase is to model virtual ethernet adapter and enough of virtual network to display VM connectivity.
October 2, 2016 Page 20 Networking
October 2, 2016 Page 21 Storage Block and File based Virtual Disks Leverage SNIA profiles and packages to provide management application consistency for storage management
October 2, 2016 Page 22 Additional Devices –CD-ROM, Floppy – want to model both the (virtual) device, and ability to map to (virtual) media (ISO image, file, real media…) –Sound, Video, Serial, USB, ….
October 2, 2016 Page 23 Partitioning Model is applicable to partitioned systems Granularity of resource assignment may be “board” or “cell” –Topology of cell is reflected in model and can be introspected by management application HostedDependency association used when direct assignment of host resource to virtual system